The Quarterly Carbon Market Report (QCMR) is the leading source of data on Australia’s carbon markets. It provides a regular view of supply and demand across markets we administer. This includes:

QCMRs outline:

  • key factors influencing market performance
  • trends and opportunities that may sway market decisions
  • topics specific to unit and certificate types in separate chapters.

The ACCU chapter includes project registrations, issuance and demand. The LGC chapter includes investment, approval and generation of large-scale renewable energy. The STC chapter includes uptake of rooftop solar and energy efficient technology.

Latest report

Quarterly Carbon Market Report – March Quarter 2024

Published 14 June.


Previous reports

Accessing 2019-2022 QCMRs

QCMRs for quarters 2 to 4 in 2022 are available as web-based book pages.

QCMRs for quarter 1 in 2022 and all quarters in 2021, 2020 and 2019 are only available in PDF.

Historic reports

QCMRs replaced the former STC and LGC market updates.

To find out more about the former market updates, contact us.