What is the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme?
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme is a single national framework for reporting company information about:
- greenhouse gas emissions
- energy production
- energy consumption.
Companies that meet certain thresholds must:
- register under the framework
- report on their emissions, energy production and consumption each year.
This data informs national policy and program development, as well as how Australia reports internationally.
The Safeguard Mechanism builds on the NGER Scheme. It requires Australia’s highest greenhouse gas emitting facilities to reduce their emissions.
About emissions and energy data
Assess your obligations
Reporting support
The next NGER reporting period will open in July 2025. Reporters can find key information in one place on our support dashboard.

Legislative framework
The NGER Scheme was established under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.
The Act is supported by several legislative instruments. These provide more detail about what a company needs to do under the scheme. Instruments include:
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008: outlines what information a company must provide in its reports and how to apply the Act.
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008: sets out methods, criteria and measurement standards for calculating emissions and energy data.
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Audit) Determination 2009: explains how to prepare, conduct and report on greenhouse and energy audits.
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Auditor Registration) Instrument 2019: outlines the qualifications an auditor must have to be registered under the Act.
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Safeguard Mechanism) Rule 2015: sets out the rules and procedures for administering the Safeguard Mechanism.
The Measurement Determination is updated each year. Companies should use the version that matches the year they're reporting for. Find out more about amendments to the Determination.
Our role
Under the Act, we collect information from companies about their emissions, energy production and consumption. We only publish this information if it's above the publication threshold.
In administering the NGER Scheme, we also:
- register and deregister companies
- collect reports using the Emissions and Energy Reporting System (EERS)
- monitor and enforce compliance
- apply the audit framework
- administer the National Greenhouse and Energy Register.
We're also responsible for administering the Safeguard Mechanism.
We follow our privacy policy when we collect and share information.
Popular topics
Register as an NGER reporter
Report emissions and energy
Record keeping and compliance for greenhouse and energy reporting
Latest annual statistics
The NGER Scheme reports based on financial years.
Registered corporations must report on their emissions and energy data by 31 October each year. We're required to publish some of this data by 28 February the following year.
Here are some key statistics from the 863 controlling corporations of the 2022–23 reporting year.
Latest NGER news
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24 October 2024National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting legislative amendments for the 2024-25 reporting year
04 July 2024Public consultation on 2024 updates to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme
30 April 20242022–23 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data now available
29 February 2024