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River of Life artwork

© Krystal Hurst, River of Life, 2022
About the artist
Krystal Hurst is a proud Worimi woman, artist and the Creative Director of Gillawarra Arts. Krystal is a jewellery designer and painter from Taree and Forster on NSW's mid-north coast. Her practice is centred on storytelling while reinvigorating and strengthening culture. Her inspiration derives from Country, memories and stories woven in an innovative and contemporary style.
About the artwork
River of Life, 2022 was developed by Worimi artist, Krystal Hurst, in collaboration with contentgroup.
The centre line represents the River of Life that flows through the country and within us all. It's a vision of people working with nature to achieve environmental, social and cultural outcomes.
The river's sense of movement and energy speaks to the Ancestral creator – the Rainbow Serpent – who carved our rivers and streams, bringing life to Mother Earth during the sacred era.
Shapes, lines and markings make cultural patterns. They correspond to the earthy colours throughout the artwork. The red-orange colour represents our land – the deep connections to Ancestral bloodlines and memory, and the responsibility to care for our landscapes. It brings together the applied traditional and western knowledge in cultural burning initiatives. People are meeting, sitting, yarning and working together to care for the country.
The yellow represents the sun – the giver of life. Reminding us of the opportunity to harness the sun for efficient energy production to promote a cleaner, sustainable world. The green colour symbolises the earth, our ecosystems, and the bedrock beneath the earth's surface, which echoes deep Ancestral connections of community and culture and opportunities to harness natural energies in safe and sustainable ways. The blue tones represent water and the ocean – reminding us of the sacred elements of water and our collective responsibility to care for our natural waterways.
The 2 wooden panels are dedicated to our mob-burning Country, caring for our landscapes and animals while working together.
These elements were chosen to represent the Clean Energy Regulator's vision to increase the use of renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions throughout Australia while respecting and caring for the environment and its elements.
The artwork is a combination of acrylic on canvas and carved cherry wood panels.
Permitted use of the artwork
We acknowledge Krystal Hurst is the artist and owner of the intellectual property of the artwork River of Life, 2022.
We have a licence agreement in place with Krystal Hurst. The agreement means we can use the artwork and its graphic elements on agreed terms.
No one else is permitted to use or reproduce the artwork or any of its graphic elements without written approval from Krystal Hurst.