We're required by legislation to publish certain information related to the schemes we administer, including:
- databases
- registries
- reports.
We also publish additional information as a resource for our clients and stakeholders. This information helps them participate in our schemes.
Data Services beta
Data Services is the new home of our data. It allows you to view, sort and filter raw tabular data in your browser. Browse over 50 datasets across our schemes, with more to come.

Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme
Australian carbon credit unit data
ACCU project and contract register
Emissions position reports
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme
NGER reporting data and registers
A closer look at emissions and energy data
Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) report
Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report
Quarterly Carbon Market Reports
ANREU published information
Voluntary cancellations register
Quarterly Carbon Market Report
Stay up to date with the latest from Australia's carbon markets. The Quarterly Carbon Market Report (QCMR) is the leading source of data on supply and demand across the markets for Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) and renewable energy certificates.

Renewable Energy Target
Exemption certificate data
Small-scale installation postcode data
Large-scale renewable energy data
Certificate shortfall register
Small-scale technology percentage modelling reports
Safeguard Mechanism
Safeguard baseline data
Safeguard multi-year monitoring period table
Safeguard facility reported emissions data
Safeguard emissions-intensity determinations data
Learn about emissions intensity determination data we’re required to publish for safeguard facilities.