Thinking about installing a renewable energy system?

Australian households and small businesses are embracing the benefits of renewable energy. By installing a renewable energy system at your home or business you can lower your energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint and earn financial incentives.

We administer the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. The scheme provides incentives to households and businesses to install small-scale renewable energy systems like rooftop solar, solar water heaters and air sourced heat pumps. Under the scheme, eligible systems can claim small-scale technology certificates (STC) and you can get a discount on the purchase price of your system if you assign the right to claim STCs to a registered agent. 

Deciding to install a renewable energy system is a major decision for any household. It's important you understand the types of systems available, the eligibility requirements, installation process and incentives available before you start.

Renewable energy

About the SRES

Encouraging investment in small-scale renewable energy like rooftop solar, solar water heaters and heat pumps.
Renewable energy

Eligible systems

What households and businesses need to know about picking an energy system.

Installing rooftop solar?

Our step-by-step guide to installing rooftop solar explains everything you need to know about installing solar at your home or business. It covers buying, installing and maintaining your solar system, using an agent, and creating and selling STCs.

Install rooftop solar

Types of systems

The system you install will depend on your personal circumstances, like:

  • electricity usage
  • location, including the weather and sun exposure
  • any other systems you have installed
  • budget.

Make sure you research which system best suits your needs and get multiple quotes to compare the systems.

Renewable energy

Rooftop solar

Follow our step-by-step guide to find out everything you need to know about installing rooftop solar.
Renewable energy

Solar water heaters and air source heat pumps

Learn about eligible solar water heaters and air source heat pumps, and follow our step-by-step installation guide.
Renewable energy

Small-scale wind and hydro systems

Learn about wind turbines and hydro systems and if they're eligible for certificates.

Rebates and incentives

If you want to install an eligible renewable energy system at your home or business, you may be eligible to claim STCs under the scheme. You can get a discount on the purchase price of your system if you assign the right to create STCs to a registered agent. 

Depending on the type of system you install, you may be able to sell some of the electricity it generates back to the grid. This is a feed-in tariff

You may also be eligible for other rebates. You can find out what rebates are available in each state and territory at Smart Energy Programs.

Using an agent

Installing a small-scale renewable energy system under the scheme can be complicated. To make things quicker and easier, most people use a registered agent. 

Registered agents:

  • calculate the financial benefit you're eligible for
  • coordinate the purchase and installation of your system
  • give you an upfront discount on your system in exchange for the right to claim STCs for your system.

Find out more about registered agents.

Complaints and consumer protection

If you have a complaint about your retailer or concerns about your installation, there are steps you can take to follow up.

For information about consumer protection and solar panel purchase agreements, go to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's guidance on purchasing a solar system​.

About our schemes

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme is part of the Australian Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET). 

Find out more about our schemes.

Renewable energy

Renewable Energy Target

Learn about the Renewable Energy Target set to increase renewable electricity generation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector.
Renewable energy

Large-scale Renewable Energy Target

The LRET encourages investment in the development of renewable energy power stations by providing financial incentives for electricity generated from renewable sources.
Renewable energy

Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme

Encouraging investment in small-scale renewable energy like rooftop solar, solar water heaters and heat pumps.
An aerial image of mangroves with a winding river through it.