You must register under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme if you:

  • are a company with operational control of a facility, or if any of your group members have operational control of a facility
  • meet any of the NGER thresholds.

Once registered, you must report on your emissions and energy each year. You report using the Emissions and Energy Reporting System (EERS).

Who needs to register

You should assess if you have reporting obligations before registering.

If you're unsure if you should register, contact us.

Controlling corporations and responsible emitters

If you're a company that meets any of the thresholds, you must register to be a controlling corporation under section 12 of the Act.

The person with operational control of a safeguard facility is known as a 'responsible emitter'. A responsible emitter can be a controlling corporation or a group member.

If you’re a responsible emitter but not a controlling corporation, you must register under section 15B of the Act. This is a requirement even if your controlling corporation is already registered.

If you're both a controlling corporation and responsible emitter, register under section 12 of the Act only.

Group members with operational control

If you’re a group member that has agreed to take on your controlling corporation’s reporting obligations under a section 22X agreement, you don't need to register. However, if you’re also a responsible emitter under the Safeguard Mechanism, you will need to register under section 15B.

Reporting transfer certificate holders

If you have a reporting transfer certificate (RTC) and aren't already registered, we will register you and add your name to the National Greenhouse and Energy Register. You don't need to register separately.

Find out how to apply for an RTC.

How to register

Controlling corporations and responsible emitters need to apply to register. We must approve your application to complete the registration process.

To register, complete the relevant form via the Client Portal:

  • Controlling Corporation Registration
  • Responsible Emitter (Safeguard) Registration.

Once we approve your registration, we'll add your name and other information to the National Greenhouse and Energy Register. The register is published each year.

You don't need to register each year. Once registered, you'll remain until you're deregistered.

When to register

You need to register for the financial year when you first met an NGER threshold, or when you became a responsible emitter with operational control over a safeguard facility.

If you're a controlling corporation, you must register by 31 August following the reporting (financial) year you first met a threshold.

If you're a responsible emitter and not a controlling corporation, you must also register by 31 August following the reporting year you were first covered by the Safeguard Mechanism.

Once registered, you’ll get access to EERS. You should register early to ensure you have enough time to complete your NGER report by the 31 October reporting deadline.

If you triggered a threshold in a past reporting year, you must register as soon as possible and contact us.

Information needed to register

To access the registration forms, you will need to create a Client Portal account. 

You need to provide the following information to register:

  • Australian Business Number (ABN) or other identifying details
  • physical and postal address of your head office
  • information about the contact person and executive officer, including full name, email address, contact phone number and postal address.

If you're a controlling corporation, you also need to provide:

  • the name and ABN or identifying details of any affected group members
  • the year you first needed to register under NGER.

Completing the registration process

Registration is complete when we add your name to the National Greenhouse and Energy Register.

If you’re a controlling corporation, we’ll send a letter addressed to the executive officer. We'll also include instructions on how to:

  • access EERS
  • manage users through your Client Portal account.

If you’re a responsible emitter and your safeguard facility is already being reported on, you won’t have any additional safeguard reporting obligations.

How to deregister

You can apply to deregister if you meet certain conditions. 

You may want to apply to deregister if you:

  • are unlikely to meet thresholds for 3 or more consecutive reporting years
  • no longer meet the definition of a controlling corporation, or
  • were invalidly registered or cease to exist.

If you meet one of the above reasons, we will only deregister you if we're satisfied that you:

  • do not hold an RTC
  • have complied with your obligations under the Act.

If we approve your application, you will no longer have reporting requirements. We will remove you from the National Greenhouse and Energy Register. If you meet a threshold in the future, you will be required to register under the NGER Scheme again. 

If you want to deregister, complete the application for deregistration form. For help filling out this form, download our guide.