Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme methods

About ACCU methods

A methodology determination (method) is a set of requirements and rules for running a project under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme. Projects under methods reduce emissions or store carbon in soils and vegetation.

Each method specifies:

  • the activities you can conduct
  • how you need to measure carbon abatement
  • your monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements.

You must run your project in accordance with the method you've chosen.

Agriculture methods

Agriculture method projects reduce farming and land emissions.

Project activities for these methods include:

  • recycling and reusing animal waste
  • storing carbon in soil
  • switching farm animal diets and fertilisers.

Energy efficiency methods

Projects under energy efficiency methods reduce electricity and natural gas use. Project activities for these methods include:

  • upgrading to more energy efficient equipment
  • installing new energy efficient equipment.

Choose an energy efficiency method using our energy efficiency and transport methods decision tree and comparison table.

Landfill and waste methods

Landfill and waste method projects upgrade or install facilities to reduce waste emissions.

Project activities for these methods include:

  • treating and destroying waste using eligible waste treatment equipment
  • converting waste into biomethane to produce electricity
  • separating organic waste from other waste.

Mining, oil and gas methods

Mining, oil and gas method projects re-route, flare or combust leaked facility emissions.

Project activities for these methods include:

  • storing greenhouse gases underground
  • destroying or converting coal mine gas and oil and gas leaks.

Transport methods

Transport method projects upgrade aviation, sea and land vehicles to reduce emissions.

Project activities for these methods include:

  • reducing domestic aircraft emissions
  • minimising land and sea transport vehicle emissions.

Vegetation methods

Vegetation method projects remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it as carbon in plants.

Project activities for these methods include:

  • reforestation
  • revegetation
  • managing safe fire burning practices
  • protecting native forest or vegetation at imminent risk of clearing.

All vegetation projects have permanence obligations and must record fuel use for sequestration.

Find a method suitable for you in our soil and vegetation sequestration decision tree, evidence required for regeneration sequestration projects and requirements for all planting projects.

Find out more

Emissions reduction

Closed methods

Find methods that have expired or been revoked. You can't register a new project under a closed method.
Emissions reduction

Eligibility for the ACCU Scheme

Find out the requirements and criteria you must meet to register a project under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme.
Emissions reduction

Apply to participate in the ACCU Scheme

Find out what you need to do and what information you must provide when you apply to register an Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme project.

Method variations and expiry

Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme methods can vary and effect your project.
An aerial image of mangroves with a winding river through it.