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Our consultations play an important role in shaping how we administer our schemes. We regularly engage with the public, participants, stakeholders, organisations and experts to plan and develop schemes, policies and legislation.
Current consultations
There are no open consultations at this time.
Closed consultations
Draft Audit Thresholds Instrument 2025
We consulted on the draft Audit Thresholds Instrument 2025.
Audit Thresholds Instrument
We consulted on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Audit Thresholds Instrument.
Changes to identification documentation requirements
We consulted on changing the process of providing identity documents to us.
Product listing body nomination
We consulted on our proposal to nominate the Clean Energy Council as the solar panel and inverter product listing body.
Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme product listing consultation
We consulted on whether we should nominate a person or organisation to publish solar product lists under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.
Carbon market infrastructure for holding and trading certificates and units
We consulted on the needs and feasibility of establishing new market infrastructure and Australian carbon credit unit exchange trading.
Guarantee of Origin for hydrogen consultation
We consulted on the development of a Guarantee of Origin Scheme that will measure and display key attributes of how and where a unit of hydrogen is produced.
Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency Report consultation
We consulted on the design of a corporate emissions reduction transparency report and its proposed guidelines.
Plantation forestry alternative assurance consultation
We consulted on proposed amendments to audit requirements for certain plantation forestry projects under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme.
Increasing participation in the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme
We consulted on how to make it easier for landholders and land managers to participate in the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme.
Benefit sharing for the fixed delivery exit arrangement
We consulted on a fair and reasonable way to share benefits for the Emissions Reduction Fund (now the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme) fixed delivery exit arrangement.
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water consultations
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water develop the policies for the schemes we administer. They are committed to engaging with you and gaining your insights.