Project and contract register

We publish information about:

The ACCU Scheme project map is an interactive map of Australia which provides an overview of the volume, location and type of projects happening across the country.

The project register can be used by buyers who want to find possible sources of ACCUs. It can also be used by people who want to buy land that has an ACCU Scheme project on it. This will help them factor into the sale price the potential costs and benefits of the project.

The contract register may be used by market participants to determine the demand for ACCUs through the previous CER auction process. For more information see carbon abatement contracts

ACCUs released during fixed delivery exit arrangement

We have released 3,995,295 ACCUs to the market during the fourth pilot window of the fixed delivery exit arrangement. These contractors delivered 1,690,364 ACCUs to meet the 20% minimum partial delivery requirement.

View data by:

About the project register

Changes to the project register

The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has amended the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 to increase the amount of ACCU Scheme project information that will be published, as recommended in the 2022 Independent Review of ACCUs.

Over the next 6-months, we will transition the project register to publish the new information. The updates will be completed by 20 June 2025. We’ll work with ACCU Scheme participants to confirm the information to be published.

During this period, we’ll publish updates to the project register after the end of each month. We’ll also publish monthly updates to the contract register outside of any future exit window.

The project register and map shows the number, location and type of ACCU Scheme projects happening across Australia.

It includes:

  • a description of the project
  • location of the project
  • number of ACCUs issued
  • number of ACCUs relinquished
  • any carbon maintenance obligations in place.

Please see the following tables for updates to the register as at 31 December 2024, since the previous register update (data as at 24 November 2024).

Projects Registered since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject location
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDEllis Carbon ProjectAgricultureQueensland
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDTanner Carbon Project 2AgricultureQueensland
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDTanner Carbon Project 1AgricultureQueensland
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDCarr Carbon Project 4AgricultureQueensland
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDCarr Carbon Project 2AgricultureQueensland
Crescent Grazing Pty Ltd as Trustee for Crescent Grazing TrustBald Rock Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
The Trust Company (Australia) Limited as trustee for The Tasmanian Carbon Afforestation Sub-TrustAA2025R_NiettaP_S1VegetationTasmania
ASSOCIATED KILN DRIERS PTY. LIMITEDAKD Red Hill Carbon Forestry ProjectVegetationNew South Wales
Annabel Grace Sides; Robert John SidesBellview and Pitlochry Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
The Trust Company (Australia) Limited as trustee for The Tasmanian Carbon Afforestation Sub-TrustAA2025R_WoodsdaleP_S3VegetationTasmania
Hayden TurnbullKingsland Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
CHELIMI PTY LTDNeal Road Plantation ChelimiVegetationVictoria
Kawatiri No. 2 Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Mumm Family Trust No. 2Kawatiri Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
Paul Anthony PittmanMt Agnes Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
MITSUI BUSSAN WOODCHIP OCEANIA PTY. LTD.Western Treefarm Project Phase 2A (WTP2A)VegetationWestern Australia
Corporate Carbon Advisory Pty LtdBulimba Station - Cool Burn Fire ProjectSavanna Fire ManagementQueensland
The Trust Company (PTAL) Limited as trustee for ANZFOF2 Sub 1Limestone2025R_HandreckL_S3VegetationVictoria
Mangkuma Land Trust; Rowan Paul Bulmer FoleyNorthern Kaanju Cultural Fire ProjectSavanna Fire ManagementQueensland
Mona Vale Holdings Pty Ltd as Trustee for E A Cameron Family TrustMona Vale Holdings Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureTasmania
Capital Property Corporation Pty Ltd as the trustee for Juandah Aggregation TrustJuandah Plains MMV Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureQueensland
LANDARI PTY LTDLandari Bothwell 2023VegetationTasmania
Peter QuinnEssex MMV Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureQueensland
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDPrice Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
The Trust Company (Australia) Limited as trustee for The Tasmanian Carbon Afforestation Sub-TrustAA2025R_OuseP_S1VegetationTasmania
CARBON LOGICA PTY LTDMoranbah Power StationIndustrial FugitivesQueensland
Indigenous Land and Sea CorporationJudbarra 2 Fire ProjectSavanna Fire ManagementNorthern Territory
Indigenous Land and Sea CorporationWagiman Fire ProjectSavanna Fire ManagementNorthern Territory
Rivalea (Australia) Pty LtdRivalea St Arnaud BiogasAgricultureVictoria
CARBON LOGICA PTY LTDIronbark WCMG Electricity Generation Facility 15MW ExpansionIndustrial FugitivesQueensland
LMS Energy Pty LtdCooma Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales
LMS Energy Pty LtdGriffith Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales
CUNNINGHAM CATTLE COMPANY PTY LTDAbingdon Savanna Fire ManagementSavanna Fire ManagementQueensland
NORTHMORE GORDON ENVIRONMENTAL PTY LTDWildfire Bulwer Island Project Proton Landfill AvoidanceWasteQueensland

Projects Revoked since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject location
Corporate Carbon Solutions Pty LtdElliot Carbon (Revoked)AgricultureVictoria
Corporate Carbon Solutions Pty LtdMatilda Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureVictoria
Corporate Carbon Solutions Pty LtdPegasus Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureVictoria
Wyelba Pty Limited as the Trustee for The Wyelba TrustWilmot Cattle Co. Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureNew South Wales
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDCook Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureTasmania
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDHiggs Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureTasmania
Greenfleet Australia as Trustee for the Greenfleet TrustTurkey Hill carbon sequestration (Revoked)VegetationNew South Wales
Greenfleet Australia as Trustee for the Greenfleet TrustHillview Carbon Sequestration by Revegetation (Revoked)VegetationNew South Wales

ACCUs issued since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject locationACCUs issued since last update
ORICA AUSTRALIA PTY LTDOrica Kooragang Island Decarbonisation ProjectFacilitiesNew South Wales491,753
LMS Energy Pty LtdSwanbank Landfill Gas ProjectWasteQueensland200,662
EDL LFG (NSW) Pty LtdLucas Heights 2 Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales138,691
LMS Energy Pty LtdWollert Landfill Gas ProjectWasteVictoria84,585
LMS Energy Pty LtdRochedale Landfill Gas ProjectWasteQueensland72,966
Global Renewables Eastern Creek Pty LtdEastern Creek UR-3R FacilityWasteNew South Wales71,840
LMS Energy Pty LtdHallam Landfill Gas ProjectWasteVictoria71,000
CARBON CREDIT MANAGEMENT PTY LTDFlodden Hills Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland67,403
Woolabah Pty Ltd as the Trustee for the J Hanly Family TrustByzantium Induced Regeneration of Native Forest ProjectVegetationQueensland66,324
Alinta Energy Transmission (Roy Hill) Pty LtdNewman Power Station Efficiency ProjectEnergy EfficiencyWestern Australia63,088
Trevor Hodshon and Caroleann Hodshon as Trustees for the Hodshon Family TrustAtley Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia61,676
Select Carbon Pty LtdKenilworth Regrowth ProjectVegetationNew South Wales60,773
Kilberoo Pty LtdRockwell Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland58,910
William Samuel Brown as the Trustee for Kalm Family TrustNantilla Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales56,333
LMS Energy Pty LtdSwanbank Landfill Gas Upgrade ProjectWasteQueensland50,301
EDL LFG (NSW) Pty LtdLucas Heights 2B Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales48,734
Consolidated Pastoral Company Pty LimitedCPC Beef Herd ProjectAgricultureNorthern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia45,336
Jawoyn Association Aboriginal CorporationJawoyn Fire 2Savanna BurningNorthern Territory45,302
LMS Energy Pty LtdWoy Woy Landfill Gas Upgrade ProjectWasteNew South Wales44,711
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedCatchment Conservation Alliance - Southern Rivers Initiative Site #3VegetationQueensland42,561
Kerin Carbon 2 Pty Ltd as the Trustee for Cobbrum Carbon TrustCobbrum Native Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland42,107
Chambers, Robert Campbell and Chambers, Donna MarieOsterley Downs Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales35,946
National Carbon Bank of Australia Pty LtdNational Carbon Bank of Australia Commercial and Public Lighting ERF Aggregator ProjectEnergy EfficiencyQueensland, Western Australia, Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory31,593
Dowden, Deborah Louise Alison and Dowden, Ashley WilliamChalla Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia31,146
Ashwood Carbon Project Pty LtdAshwood Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales29,242
Jackson, Tom StaleyAustin Downs Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia26,630
Tamworth Regional CouncilForest Road Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales26,595
Jensen, Jorgen LawnYoweragabbie Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia26,573
Lawrence, Melissa Krystene and Cain, John HenryBuckwaroon Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales25,496
Ridge, Phillip HughJandra/Nulty Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales24939
Grimwade & Gordon Land Pty Ltd as trustee for Grimwade & Gordon Land TrustEllavale Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales24,628
The Fords Bridge Aggregation Carbon Project Pty LtdFords Bridge Aggregation Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales24,203
Rowan William Douglas; Jessica Gaye DouglasAqua Downs Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland23,693
LGI LimitedCapture and Combustion of Landfill Gas from Willawong Landfill ProjectWasteQueensland23,064
Hamilton Developments (VIC) Pty LtdLila Springs Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales22,762
Tripodi, Anthony David and Tripodi, Annette and Tripodi, Joseph Ross and Tripodi, Michael Roy and Tripodi, RossTripodi Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales22,303
Cripps, Gemma LeeGabyon Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia22,251
Ridge, Phillip HughWapweelah Regeneration projectVegetationNew South Wales21633
LMS Energy Pty LtdNewline Road Landfill Gas Upgrade ProjectWasteNew South Wales20,809
Vision Pastoral Company Pty LimitedKilcowera and Zenonie Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland20,770
Cameron, Hugh Arthur and Cameron, Marcia JoyceWongalee Mervyndale and Rundalua Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland20,741
Manns, Sydney John and Manns, Dorothy RanaDijoe Station Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales20,364
Bruce, Phillip James and Bruce, Mary Rosalind and Bruce, Trent PhillipPine Ridge Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales19,651
PANIRI HOLDINGS PTY LTD, Paniri Ventures Pty LtdFlanders Carbon ProjectVegetationQueensland18348
Pastoral Partners Australia Trusco Pty Limited as Trustee for Pastoral Partners Australia TrustDAC-2015-08VegetationQueensland17,985
Colleen Pattison and Geoffrey PattisonOuida Station Human-Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland17,920
LANIN HOLDINGS PTY LTD, NINAL VENTURES PTY LTDColac Beltram Munberry Haredean (CBMH) Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland17,801
Sandra Elaine Taylor and Kristofer Timothy Pascoe as trustees for Pascoe Taylor Family Trust and Douglas Ernest Taylor as trustee for The Doug Taylor Discretionary TrustPullagaroo Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia17,018
Tomlinson, William Russell and Tomlinson, Gabrielle AnneJoonderee and Elmina Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland16,689
Snelson, David LeslieYarrawonga Cobar Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales15,753
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Eco Corridor 7VegetationNew South Wales15,572
Ninal Ventures Pty Ltd and Lanin Holdings Pty Ltd.Nulla CarbonVegetationQueensland15,500
LANIN HOLDINGS PTY LTD and NINAL VENTURES PTY LTDParoo River North Environmental ProjectVegetationQueensland14,636
Baty, Kylie Michelle and Baty, Michael AlexanderMuella Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales14,500
LGI LimitedUniversity Drive Landfill Gas ProjectWasteQueensland14,000
CLIMATE POSITIVE PTY LIMITEDAggregated Bio-energy Boiler ProjectEnergy EfficiencyNew South Wales, Tasmania13,688
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedLynwood Human-Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales13,263
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedBerangabah Human-Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales13,036
Sunset Ranch Pty LtdSunset Ranch Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales12,758
Murphy, Susan Maree and Murphy, Jeffrey JohnRocky Station Human-Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland12,707
LGI LimitedCapture and Combustion of Landfill Gas from Benaraby Landfill ProjectWasteQueensland12,552
Ridge, Lisa Jane and Ridge, William PenzerTuncoona Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales12,064
ASSOCIATED KILN DRIERS PTY. LIMITEDLandari AKD-1VegetationVictoria11,971
SLM (ALF) EUREKA PLAINS PTY LTDWiree Avoided Deforestation ProjectVegetationNew South Wales11,761
Kersom Pty Ltd as the trustee for Kersom TrustCudgerie Tundulya Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales11,164
Mike Ritchie and Associates Pty LtdMRA Aggregated Landfill Gas projectsWasteNation Wide10,963
GROUP ENERGY PTY LTDLandari PPPA 1VegetationNew South Wales10,934
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Eco Corridor 3VegetationNew South Wales10,915
Newton, Robert Lindsay, and Newton, Marie ThereseOakleigh Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales10,798
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDouble Gates Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales10,554
LMS Energy Pty LtdWoy Woy Landfill Gas Abatement FacilityWasteNew South Wales10,451
KARBILL PTY LTDGoolgumbla Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales10,015
Cookara Pastoral Pty Ltd as the trustee for Ian Kelly (QLD) Trust, Cookara Pastoral Pty Ltd as the trustee for Ian Wood (QLD) Trust, Cookara Pastoral Pty Ltd as the trustee for Kevin Clark (QLD) Trust, Cookara Pastoral Pty Ltd as the trustee for Stephen Hogan (QLD) TrustCookara Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland9,788
WeAct Pty LtdForest Carbon CoOpVegetationTasmania, Victoria9,742
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedCatchment Conservation Alliance - Southern Rivers Initiative Site #5VegetationQueensland9,454
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Eco Corridor 2VegetationNew South Wales9,397
MULGA AG CO PTY LTDLussvale Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland9,356
CARBON REGENERATION NO.1 PTY LTDNative woodland regeneration project BRO21VegetationQueensland9,151
Urana Carbon Farming Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Crook-King Family TrustEversfield Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland9,081
CR2 FINCO PTY LTDWongamere Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland9,076
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedLynwood Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales8,877
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedTrafalgar Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales8,785
Leigo, Neill Robert and Leigo, Debra AnnParoowidgee Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales8,724
LANIN HOLDINGS PTY LTD and NINAL VENTURES PTY LTDParoo River South Environmental ProjectVegetationQueensland8,459
Sunpork Consolidated Pty LtdBrinkley Biogas Flaring ProjectAgricultureSouth Australia8,066
MG & SM Van de Ven Pty. LimitedGumbo Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales7,388
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedNarrandool Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales7,238
Mudford, Robert Thomas and Mudford, Scott ArthurNorth West Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales7,192
Prove Pastoral GP Pty LtdBlinky Forest Carbon ProjectVegetationQueensland6,983
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedBundella North Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales6,799
CARBON REGENERATION PTY LTDNative woodland regeneration project BIN21VegetationQueensland6,006
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedArgyle Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales5,397
Koschel, Andrew Michael and Doyle, Heidi VeroniqueRyandale Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4,925
CARBON REGENERATION PTY LTDNative woodland regeneration project RYA21VegetationQueensland4,743
Jawoyn Association Aboriginal CorporationJawoyn Fire ProjectSavanna BurningNorthern Territory4,492
Whiteheads Timber Sales Pty LtdWTS Mt Gambier Fuel SwitchEnergy EfficiencySouth Australia4,486
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedBoonora Downs Human-Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4,439
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedParoo River Ecosystem Restoration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4,342
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedFar West Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4,302
CARBON REGENERATION PTY LTDNative woodland regeneration project MOA21VegetationQueensland4,254
Mitchell, Walter HenryLandsdowne Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4,103
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDLazzarini Carbon Project 3AgricultureNew South Wales4,009
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedCarpenters Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales3,948
PANIRI HOLDINGS PTY LTD, Paniri Ventures Pty LtdBurns Carbon ProjectVegetationQueensland3,855
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Eco Corridor #35VegetationNew South Wales3,820
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Conservation Initiative Site #4VegetationNew South Wales3,782
DEVINE AGRIBUSINESS CARBON PTY LTDDAC-2017-01VegetationQueensland3,547
Prince, Dominic Joseph and Prince, Jillian NarelleLachlan Downs Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales3,480
Devine Agribusiness Carbon Pty LtdWallal Carbon Farming Project 2VegetationQueensland3,351
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Conservation Initiative - Site #3VegetationNew South Wales3,338
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedLower Lila Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales3,163
Devine Agribusiness Carbon Pty LtdDAC-2015-14VegetationQueensland2,959
Cooney, Grant Patrick and Cooney, Fay MaryTarko Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland2875
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDunsandle Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales2,554
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedGlen Hope Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales2,292
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDLazzarini Carbon Project 2AgricultureNew South Wales2,234
George Timothy Arthur Gubbins and Isabella Priscilla Landale the Trustees for SW Gubbins Trust Estate No. 3Green Creek Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales1,965
Northmore Gordon Pty LtdVP8 Landfill AvoidanceWasteQueensland1,700
MITSUI BUSSAN WOODCHIP OCEANIA PTY. LTD.Western Treefarm Project phase 1VegetationWestern Australia1,644
Flowenol Mngt Pty. Ltd. as Trustee for the Flowenol Fund SGlen Ailee/Oklahoma Aggregation, Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest ProjectVegetationNew South Wales1,554
LMS Energy Pty LtdMolendinar Landfill Gas ProjectWasteQueensland1,302
LMS Energy Pty LtdCorangamite Landfill Gas ProjectWasteVictoria1,248
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedCatchment Conservation Alliance Great Barrier Reef Initiative Site 16VegetationQueensland1,233
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedCatchment Conservation Alliance - Great Barrier Reef Initiative Site #8VegetationQueensland1,220
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDLyne Carbon ProjectAgricultureQueensland1,114
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedCatchment Conservation Alliance - Great Barrier Reef Initiative Site #15VegetationQueensland905
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDDuncan Carbon Project 2AgricultureQueensland481
Andrew Michael Freeman as the Trustee for AM Freeman Family Trust; Ian James Quinn as trustee for Quinn Family TrustSec 266 Bramfield Carbon ProjectVegetationSouth Australia395
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDHodges Carbon ProjectAgricultureVictoria290
Hazelmere Property Pty Ltd as trustee for the Hazelmere Family TrustNimagee Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4,794
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedAvondale Human Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales7,442
Kalm Property Enterprises Pty Ltd as the Trustee for Kalm No 2 Family TrustBlack Hill Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia18,275
The Trust Company (PTAL) Limited as trustee for ANZFOF2 Sub 12020 AGE CLASS, LIMESTONE PLANTATIONSVegetationSouth Australia2,576
Boal, Rodney Charles and Boal, Kaylene DulciePoon Boon Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales23,081
SLM (ALF) Garrawin Pty LtdGarrawin Gumahah Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland70,216
Grimwade & Gordon Land Pty Ltd as trustee for Grimwade & Gordon Land TrustCongararra Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales9,020
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Eco Corridor 25VegetationNew South Wales16,014
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedDarling River Eco Corridor 5VegetationNew South Wales6,585
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedTanbar Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales20,967
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedKia Ora Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales15,334
LMS Energy Pty LtdAwaba Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales3,887
LMS Energy Pty LtdRockingham Landfill Gas Abatement FacilityWasteWestern Australia7,639
LGI LimitedBega Valley Shire LFG ProjectWasteNew South Wales8,123
LMS Energy Pty LtdNewcastle Landfill Gas ProjectWasteNew South Wales48,596

ACCUs relinquished since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject Location
There were no updates of this type.

About the carbon abatement contract register

The contract register includes information about:

  • carbon abatement contracts awarded by us
  • contract duration
  • end date and status
  • volume of ACCUs contracted, released and delivered for each contract
  • contract holder and ACCU Scheme project for each contract.

A total of 3,818,468 ACCUs have been sold under carbon abatement contracts to the Commonwealth since 12 January 2023. Under specific circumstances, these ACCUs will be available for use in the Safeguard Mechanism’s cost-containment measure. We will provide more information about the implementation of the cost-containment measure at a later date.

Multiple contracts 

We list each contract separately. Some contractors have multiple contracts. 

Optional delivery contracts 

We have awarded optional delivery contracts since March 2020. These give sellers the option to sell carbon abatement to us. If the seller doesn't exercise their right to sell carbon abatement to us for a given delivery milestone, the volume of abatement committed under the optional delivery contract reduces from the original volume of abatement committed.

Expiry dates

Contracts expire when all obligations are finalised or where both parties have agreed to terminate. Note that the Clean Energy Regulator is unlikely to agree to a termination where the seller has not delivered the full contracted volume and is likely to still have access to ACCUs from their projects, including from projects that are not the anchor project for the contract.

Contracts will also lapse where conditions precedent haven't been fulfilled or waived by the expiry date set out in the contract. There may be a delay in reflecting a conditions precedent or activated contract ending in the contract register. This is due to ongoing contract negotiations between the seller and us.

Fixed delivery exit arrangements or lapsed optional delivery milestones

From 15 November 2023 the contract register includes information on contract volume that has been released through fixed delivery exit arrangements or through lapsed optional delivery milestones.

Human-induced regeneration (HIR) and native forest from managed regrowth (NFMR) projects

From 12 July 2020, the contract register includes extensions to the delivery periods of some contracts for HIR and NFMR projects. We granted extensions for certain projects after release and implementation of the Guidelines on stratification evidence and records for HIR and NFMR.

An aerial image of mangroves with a winding river through it.