Project and contract register

We publish information about:

The ACCU Scheme project map is an interactive map of Australia which provides an overview of the volume, location and type of projects happening across the country.

The project register can be used by buyers who want to find possible sources of ACCUs. It can also be used by people who want to buy land that has an ACCU Scheme project on it. This will help them factor into the sale price the potential costs and benefits of the project.

The contract register may be used by ACCU holders who want to find existing contract holders that may be willing to buy their ACCUs. 

ACCUs released during fixed delivery exit arrangement

We have released 3,995,295 ACCUs to the market during the fourth pilot window of the fixed delivery exit arrangement. These contractors delivered 1,690,364 ACCUs to meet the 20% minimum partial delivery requirement.

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About the project register

The project register and map shows the number, location and type of ACCU Scheme projects happening across Australia.

It includes:

  • a description of the project
  • location of the project
  • number of ACCUs issued
  • number of ACCUs relinquished
  • any carbon maintenance obligations in place.

Please see the following tables for updates to the register as at 24 November 2024, since the previous register update (data as at 10 November 2024).

Projects Registered since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject location
James MuscatBukulla Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
John Robertson ScottAllandale MMV Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureQueensland
Dovara Pty Ltd ATF Mossvale TrustMossvale Soil Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales
LANDARI PTY LTDLandari Mount Sabine 2024VegetationVictoria
LENAH ESTATE PTY LTDLenah2024R_Tunnack_S3VegetationTasmania
DELOREAN ENERGY VICTORIA ONE PTY LTDStanhope Bioenergy Project 223 Hill Road StanhopeAgricultureVictoria
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDButler Carbon Project 1AgricultureVictoria
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDButler Carbon Project 3AgricultureVictoria
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDButler Carbon Project 2AgricultureVictoria
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDO'Keefe Carbon ProjectAgricultureVictoria
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDKemp Carbon Project 1AgricultureNew South Wales
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDKemp Carbon Project 2AgricultureNew South Wales
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS CO NO.2 PTY LTDSherry Carbon ProjectAgricultureNew South Wales

Projects Revoked since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject location
Indigenous Land and Sea CorporationJudbarra Fire Project (Revoked)Savanna BurningNorthern Territory
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDFrancis Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureNew South Wales
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDWhite Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureNew South Wales
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDLawson Carbon Project (Revoked)AgricultureNew South Wales
THE STAR ENTERTAINMENT INTERNATIONAL NO.5 PTY LTDLower Wonga Native Revegetation Project (Revoked)VegetationQueensland

ACCUs issued since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject LocationACCUs issued since last update
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedTanbar Native Forest Protection ProjectVegetationNew South Wales20,999
AGRIPROVE SOLUTIONS PTY LTDFife Carbon ProjectAgricultureVictoria5,435
EDL CSM (Qld) Pty LtdGerman Creek Waste Coal Mine Gas Power StationIndustrial FugitivesQueensland72713
MOORE RIVER BEEF PTY LTDErlistoun Station Regeneration ProjectVegetationWestern Australia39713
Amaral Pastoral Pty LimitedJandell Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland38728
LGI LimitedMugga Lane Landfill Gas Upgrade ProjectWasteAustralian Capital Territory36355
Australian Integrated Carbon Financial Services Pty LtdYuin Station, Murchison HIR AggregationVegetationWestern Australia32257
LMS Energy Pty LtdCaloundra Landfill Gas ProjectWasteQueensland25009
LANIN HOLDINGS PTY LTD, NINAL VENTURES PTY LTDArmoobilla Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland20705
PANIRI HOLDINGS PTY LTD, Paniri Ventures Pty LtdFlanders Carbon ProjectVegetationQueensland19302
LMS Energy Pty LtdPedler Creek Landfill Gas Upgrade ProjectWasteSouth Australia19164
Beresford, Carmel Ellen and Beresford, Lauren West and Beresford, Michael JohnFarnham Plains Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland18504
National Carbon Bank of Australia Pty LtdNational Carbon Bank Lighting Projects 2016Energy EfficiencyNation Wide16883
Ridge, Phillip HughJandra/Nulty Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales14610
Nielsen, Richard AndrewBally Castle Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales13572
Ridge, Phillip HughWapweelah Regeneration projectVegetationNew South Wales13412
Pulsford, Alan Carl and Pulsford, Therese MarthaBierbank and Lanherne Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland13223
Terra Carbon Pty LimitedRose Isle Human-Induced Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales12248
Schmidt, Sally Anne Maree and Schmidt, Adrian LewisBaroona Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland11899
Samuel Alexander MorrisDoobibla Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland10061
Carol Ann GreenBarnato Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales9188
LMS Energy Pty LtdIpswich Landfill Gas ProjectWasteQueensland8178
Cooney, Grant Patrick and Cooney, Fay MaryTarko Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland6162
Parker, Helen JessieUteara Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales5961
Central West Livestock Pty Ltd as trustee for Magoffin Family TrustSwanvale Regeneration ProjectVegetationQueensland5941
Gregory Dominic Hollis; Veronica Ann MilliganRunnymede Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales5453
Nielsen, Richard and Nielsen, DeborahTurra Forest Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales4683
Barry John FranciscoNorma Vale RegenerationVegetationNew South Wales2164
Louise Marie Turner and Zane Barry Turner as the trustees for Goodwood Investments TrustGoodwood Pastoral Regeneration ProjectVegetationNew South Wales2065

ACCUs relinquished since last update

Project ProponentProject NameMethod TypeProject Location
There were no updates of this type.

About the carbon abatement contract register

The contract register includes information about:

  • carbon abatement contracts awarded by us
  • contract duration
  • end date and status
  • volume of ACCUs contracted, released and delivered for each contract
  • contract holder and ACCU Scheme project for each contract.

A total of 3,818,468 ACCUs have been sold under carbon abatement contracts to the Commonwealth since 12 January 2023. Under specific circumstances, these ACCUs will be available for use in the Safeguard Mechanism’s cost-containment measure. We will provide more information about the implementation of the cost-containment measure at a later date.

Multiple contracts 

We list each contract separately. Some contractors have multiple contracts. 

Optional delivery contracts 

We have awarded optional delivery contracts since March 2020. These give sellers the option to sell carbon abatement to us. If the seller doesn't exercise their right to sell carbon abatement to us for a given delivery milestone, the volume of abatement committed under the optional delivery contract reduces from the original volume of abatement committed.

Expiry dates

Contracts expire when all obligations are finalised or where both parties have agreed to terminate. Note that the Clean Energy Regulator is unlikely to agree to a termination where the seller has not delivered the full contracted volume and is likely to still have access to ACCUs from their projects, including from projects that are not the anchor project for the contract.

Contracts will also lapse where conditions precedent haven't been fulfilled or waived by the expiry date set out in the contract. There may be a delay in reflecting a conditions precedent or activated contract ending in the contract register. This is due to ongoing contract negotiations between the seller and us.

Fixed delivery exit arrangements or lapsed optional delivery milestones

From 15 November 2023 the contract register includes information on contract volume that has been released through fixed delivery exit arrangements or through lapsed optional delivery milestones.

Human-induced regeneration (HIR) and native forest from managed regrowth (NFMR) projects

From 12 July 2020, the contract register includes extensions to the delivery periods of some contracts for HIR and NFMR projects. We granted extensions for certain projects after release and implementation of the Guidelines on stratification evidence and records for HIR and NFMR.

An aerial image of mangroves with a winding river through it.