About method variations

Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme methods can be varied at any time.

Variations occur to:

  • ensure methods continue to operate as originally intended
  • allow additional activities to be undertaken under a method
  • account for technological advances that allow new measurement approaches.

How this affects your project

If a method is varied, you can:

  • transfer your project to the new variation
  • keep your project under the old variation for its crediting period.

You must ensure you're aware of the method you apply under, its requirements and any variations made to it.

See our guidance on how a method variation may affect project planning for more information.

How a method variation may affect your project planning ( 384.19 KB pdf )

What isn't affected

A method variation doesn't affect the terms of your carbon abatement contract.

Monitor method variations

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) consults on proposed method variations. You can monitor variations on DCCEEW's consultation hub.

Automatic transfers to varied method

Your project will automatically move to the varied method if:

  • there's a delayed start for its crediting period
  • the project application is still being assessed when the variation occurs.

We provide you with the opportunity to withdraw or review your project application if a method variation occurs while your application is assessed.

You must notify us in writing if you want to withdraw your project application.

If you withdraw your application to allow yourself time to review the varied method, you need to resubmit your application through Online Services.

Area-based method variations

You must transfer your project to the varied method if your project's registered under an area-based method and you wish to:

  • include additional land in your project area
  • substitute your project area with another area of land.

If you don't transfer your project, you can't include any additional land or substitute your project area.

Area-based projects must meet their legislative requirements before making any variations. This includes changes to project area.

Expiry of methods

Methods automatically repeal or sunset approximately 10 years after registration.

When a method expires, you can continue your project for the remainder of the crediting period if you've registered and started the crediting period on or before the expiry date.

When a method expires, you can't:

  • register any new projects under it
  • transfer a registered project to it.

If you're affected by an expired method, you can refer to our guidance for ACCU Scheme participants impacted by the expiry or sunsetting of an ACCU Scheme method.

Guidance for ACCU Scheme participants impacted by the expiry or sunsetting of an ACCU Scheme method ( 603.36 KB pdf )