A project must meet eligibility requirements to register under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme.

Being eligible does not automatically give you approval to run your project. You must still register your project.

Eligibility requirements

Unless the method covering the project specifies otherwise, a project must:

  • be new (activities must not have started)
  • go beyond business-as-usual activities
  • not be required by law
  • not be receiving financial support from specified government programs
  • not be an excluded activity under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015
  • follow an approved method which sets out the rules for running the project and estimating emissions reductions.

You must also:

There are specific eligibility requirements for safeguard facilities looking to run new projects or activities.

Only new projects are eligible. Projects that are already underway or include business-as-usual activities won't be registered under the ACCU Scheme.

Find out more about the newness requirement.

Projects or activities required by Commonwealth, state or territory law are not eligible under the ACCU Scheme.

When you apply to register your project we will ask you if the project or any part of it is required under law.

Find out more about regulatory additionality.

If a project is receiving financial support under certain government programs or schemes, or involves certain activities, it may be excluded from participating in the ACCU Scheme.

Find out more about the government program requirement.

You must have the legal right to carry out the project. This means:

  • the right to carry out the project activities on or for the sites or assets included in the project, and
  • a lawful and exclusive right to be issued all Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) that may be created as a result of the project activities.

Find out about legal right.

Interactive Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme Eligibility Questionnaire