New method

This method replaces the reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings FullCAM method 2014, which expired on 30 September 2024.

It’s similar to the 2014 method with some changes to make participation easier. See the summary of changes for more details.

We recently sought feedback on the draft Audit Thresholds Instrument 2025 which includes alternative assurance arrangements for low-risk projects under this method. We will publish the outcomes on the consultation page.

Projects under the reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings FullCAM method can earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs). This is achieved by planting trees in areas where Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM) data exists.


To be eligible under this method, projects must:

  • run in an area of Australia where FullCAM modelling data exists
  • be in an area that has been clear of forest cover for at least 5 years before application
  • run in an area of at least 0.2 hectares
  • have trees established on project land with the potential to attain:
    • height of 2 metres or more
    • crown cover of at least 20% over the total area of the strata where project trees are located.

Projects under this method are subject to permanence obligations.

You must also meet general eligibility requirements for the ACCU Scheme.

Eligibility for the upcoming Nature Repair Market scheme

There may be opportunities to design a planting project that meets requirements under both the ACCU Scheme and the Nature Repair Market scheme.

Make sure you understand ACCU Scheme and Nature Repair Market scheme eligibility requirements before starting your planting activities to ensure you can participate in both schemes for the same planting.

Specific eligibility requirements for the Nature Repair Market method – replanting native forest and woodland ecosystems – will be available in early 2025.

To prepare to participate in the Nature Repair Market scheme, you can use the Platform for Land and Nature Repair to access project planning tools and for extra information and support.

Relevant legislation

  • Part 3 of the Act
  • Part 2 of the method


There are certain exclusions and restrictions under this method.

Your project will be excluded if it plants on:

  • roads
  • buildings
  • dams
  • land that contains or needs clearing of:
    • woody biomass
    • an invasive native scrub species, except for known weed species required or authorised by law to be cleared.

Certain activities, such as harvesting and grazing, are restricted but not excluded.

Relevant legislation

  • Division 3 of the method
  • Division 10 of the method

Method requirements

This method is based on the closed reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings FullCAM method 2014.

If you have a project under the 2014 method, you may be able to transfer to the new method. See our guidance for ACCU Scheme participants impacted by the expiry or sunsetting of an ACCU Scheme method.

The new method was developed following consultation to make participation easier. There are a number of key changes from the 2014 method.

In lieu of newness provisions

This allows some project activities to begin once an application to register the project has been submitted, including:

  • preparing land for planting
  • purchasing seeds or seedlings
  • undertaking planting activities.

Limited commercial harvest of seeds

Up to 20% of seeds can now be harvested each calendar year for personal or commercial use, provided it does not impact:

  • forest potential 
  • forest cover 
  • biodiversity values.

This does not limit harvesting in line with traditional Indigenous practices and native title rights.

Inclusion of a reforestation management plan

Many of the record-keeping and reporting requirements must now occur through a reforestation management plan. This plan must be submitted along with the project application and maintained by the proponent over the life of the crediting period for the project. 

Project activities are for planting trees:

  • as seeds or tubestock
  • in areas that are linear belts or blocks
  • at a density that allows them to achieve forest cover
  • with the potential to reach heights of at least 2m and provide cover over a minimum of 20% of the land.

You must also:

Relevant legislation

  • Parts 2 and 3 of the method 

It may be necessary to seek help from a technical expert. This ensures accurate inputs to FullCAM.

To hire a technical expert, your project will need to pay out-of-pocket. You should consider the cost before starting a project under this method.

Other specialist skills can include:

  • sourcing species from natural distribution
  • planting species.

Relevant legislation

  • Section 13 (f) of the Rule
  • Division 5 of the method

25 years

Relevant legislation

  • Part 5 of the Act

Abatement is calculated using the department’s Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM).

FullCAM uses a variety of settings, called calibrations, to model the amount of carbon stored in different types of plantings.

Plantings can fall under a range of specific calibrations or a generic calibration.

There are different versions of FullCAM. You must use the right one for calculating abatement.

See the department’s FullCAM guidelines for information about which version to use.

The data needed for FullCAM includes:

  • planned management activities
  • the project's location and planting dates
  • planting type and species
  • planting geometry (i.e. belts or blocks)
  • plant spacing
  • stocking density (number of seeds or plants per hectare).

Net abatement is calculated using the calculations listed in the method. These include removing any emissions associated with the project activities from the net abatement. The resulting net abatement can be used to apply for ACCUs.

Relevant legislation

  • Part 4 of the method 

You must use on-ground observation or remote-sensing imagery to monitor:

  • management and disturbance events
  • the requirements for any specific calibrations being met.

Remember to also meet the general monitoring requirements of the Act.

Relevant legislation

  • Part 17 of the Act
  • Division 2 of the method 

You must create and submit a reforestation management plan along with your project registration application. This plan has to be maintained for the duration of the crediting period. It should include:

  • species planted or expected to be planted
  • suitability of these species for the area
  • how each species has or will be established
  • planting type, geometry, spacing and expected stem density
  • species to be used for infill planting and how it will be established
  • how the project will be monitored.

The reforestation management plan must be updated as soon as practicable if there are any changes.

You must also keep records on:

  • forest cover and plantings
  • stratification into CEAs
  • fires
  • fuel use
  • FullCAM modelling
  • forest management
  • any specific calibrations used
  • the project area.

Refer to the method for all record-keeping requirements.

You must remember to also meet the record-keeping requirements of the Act and the Rule.

Relevant legislation

  • Part 17 of the Act
  • Part 17 of the Rule
  • Division 3 of the method 

You receive ACCUs when you report increases in project area net abatement.

You must report at least once every 5 years but not more frequently than every 6 months.

Your reports must include the:

  • net abatement amount and related carbon stock data
  • data on emissions from biomass burning and fuel use
  • project area, forest management and forest cover information
  • FullCAM files and output data.
  • reforestation management plan

Refer to the method for all reporting requirements.

You must remember to also meet the reporting requirements of the Act and the Rule.

Relevant legislation

  • Part 6 of the Act
  • Part 6 of the Rule
  • Division 4 of the method 

We provide you with an audit schedule when your project is declared. You must provide audit reports according to this schedule.

We schedule at least 3 audits. Extra audits can be triggered. 

For more information on audit requirements, refer to our audit information.

Relevant legislation

  • Part 19 of the Act
  • Part 6 of the Rule 

Documents and resources

Explore all ACCU Scheme guidance using the guidance library.