On 28 February 2020, the Clean Energy Regulator published the annual National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data for the 2018–19 reporting year.

For the 2018–19 year, corporations reported a total of:

Data highlights​

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Infographic showing data highlights for the 2018-19 reporting period


NGER Highlights infographic 2018–19

  • In 2018–19, total reported scope one emissions rose 0.4 per cent (1.3 million tonnes) compared to 2017–18 data, mainly due to increases in the liquified natural gas (LNG) and oil and gas production (8 million tonnes) and metal ore mining (0.9 million tonnes).
    • This increase can largely be attributed to an increase in production of LNG, primarily in Western Australia and Northern Territory.
    • Scope 1 emissions from electricity generation and coal mining decreased in 2018-19.
  • Overall, the result is a slight increase in emissions compared to 2017–18.
  • Emissions in the electricity sector have decreased by 2.9 per cent (4.8 million tonnes) on 2017–18 data.
    • This reduction is largely due to a switch in fuel sources, with less generation from brown and black coal, and more generation from less emissions intensive sources like gas and renewable energy.

2018–19 datasets

Datasets published for the 2018–19 reporting year include:

It is important to note that information published as part of the 2018–19 NGER dataset cannot be directly compared to publications from previous years for a number of reasons, including updates made to previously published totals to account for report resubmissions. We take all reasonable efforts to ensure the information published on its website is accurate at the time of publication.

See more information about what data is published and why.

2018–19 published data spotlights

A series of factsheets are available, which focus on key data released as part of the 2018–19 data publication.

Notes for the 2018–19 publication

  • Industry groupings are based on the ANZSIC codes reported for each facility.
  • ‘Mining and Manufacturing’ aligns with the ANZSIC divisions B – Mining, and C - Manufacturing respectively.
  • ‘Transport’ includes the ANZSIC subdivisions Road, Rail, Water, Air and Space and Other Transport.
  • Fuel source ‘Gas’ includes fuel types Gas, Waste Coal Mine Gas and Coal Seam Methane. Fuel source ‘Renewables’ includes Solar, Wind, Hydro, Landfill Gas, Biofuel, Bagasse and Biogas. Fuel source ‘Other’ includes Diesel, Kerosene and Battery fuel types. These are based the primary fuel consumed by a facility to generate electricity in a year, as published in the designated generation facilities report