Under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and the National Greenhouse and Energy Regulations 2008, we publish data about corporations':
- greenhouse gas emissions
- energy production
- energy consumption.
Latest NGER data
Corporations report their scope 1 emissions, scope 2 emissions, energy consumption and energy production for each financial year. Explore NGER data for the 2022–23 reporting year.
How NGER data is used
NGER data helps:
- inform the public about emissions and energy flows by corporations in Australia
- inform government policy, programs and activities at both the national and state and territory level
- the Australian Government meet its international reporting obligations and measure its progress against international commitments.
NGER data and other registers
NGER data informs several activities and national registers. This includes the:
- Australian National Greenhouse Accounts
- Australian Energy Statistics
- National Emissions Projections
- Safeguard Mechanism
- National Energy Productivity Plan
- Energy Water and Environment Survey
- Energy Account Australia
- Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Intensity Index.
What we publish data on
For registered corporations and Reporting Transfer Certificate (RTC) holders, we publish information about their:
- greenhouse gas emissions
- net energy consumption.
For designated generation facilities, we publish information on their:
- greenhouse gas emissions
- energy production
- primary fuel source
- emissions intensity
- grid connection.
We also publish the National Greenhouse and Energy Register each year.
The publication threshold
We publish information about registered corporations if their total greenhouse gas emissions are 50 kilotonnes carbon dioxide equivalence (CO2-e) or more. This includes both scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.
We publish information about RTC holders if a facility:
- emits 25 kilotonnes or more of CO2-e greenhouse gas
- produces 100 or more terajoules of energy, or
- consumes 100 or more terajoules of energy.
Registered corporations can request we don't publish some or all of their data. To submit an application, complete the Application for information not to be published.
For more information, download our guide.
What we don't publish data on
We don't collect or publish data from some sectors. This includes:
- agriculture
- land use
- land use change
- forestry
- private vehicle transport
- residential.
Emissions from these sectors are captured under the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts.