Register now for our webinar for auditors

You are invited to register for the Clean Energy Regulator’s webinar on getting ready for the new quality management standards.

The webinar will cover the quality management standards which are coming in 2022 and which will apply to firms and engagements performing Part 6 audits.

The webinar will provide a chance to familiarise yourself with these important changes and to plan for the necessary updates to your existing policies and processes.

In this session you will learn about:

New compliance and enforcement priorities now available

​The Clean Energy Regulator (the agency) has published its Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2021-2022.

The priorities set out where the agency will be focusing its compliance and enforcement activities for the year ahead. They target a number of areas of actual and potential non-compliance that pose a high risk to the integrity of the programs administered by the agency.

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