Quarterly Carbon Market Report – December Quarter 2020


  • Emissions reduction from schemes administered by the Clean Energy Regulator reached 53 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂-e) in 2020 and is expected to increase to 57 million tonnes in 2021.
  • A record 7 gigawatts (GW) of new renewable energy capacity was delivered across Australia in 2020, up 11% from the 6.3 GW in 2019. Of this, 4 GW was large-scale (2.3 GW wind and 1.7 GW solar) and 3 GW was rooftop solar PV.

Register now for Clean Energy Regulator webinars for auditors

The Clean Energy Regulator invites all Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditors and their team members to participate in our webinars on:

  • emissions-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) exemption certificate audits, on Tuesday 24 November.

    The webinar will cover an overview of the Renewable Energy Target, where exemption certificates fit in the scheme and how your audit reports assist our assessment of applications for EITE entities.

Continuing professional development guidance now available

Continuing professional development guidance now available

The Clean Energy Regulator has published guidance on continuing professional development (CPD) for registered greenhouse and energy auditors.

All auditors must complete at least 15 days of CPD in each three year period following registration, to maintain their registration as a greenhouse and energy auditor.

2020 annual workshops

2020 annual workshops

The Clean Energy Regulator will not be running face-to-face workshops for registered auditors this financial year.

The annual workshops began in 2013 to help auditors increase their knowledge of our schemes and compliance with our audit framework. Attendance has declined each year, which correlates with the maturity of our schemes and experience of auditors.

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