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The Clean Energy Regulator has today released the 2020-21 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data.

Each year, Australian corporations that meet certain thresholds are required to report their emissions and energy information to us. This data helps inform government policy and programs and meet Australia’s international reporting obligations.

For the 2020-21 year, 931 corporations reported a total of 315 million tonnes of scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions. This represents an overall decrease in emissions of 12.3 million tonnes (3.8%) on updated totals for the previous year.

This result includes reported scope 1 emissions decrease of 2.5 million tonnes in the oil and gas sector, largely driven by decreased quantities of flaring of gas and fuel combustion.

Notably, reported scope 1 emissions in the electricity sector (grid-connected) decreased by 6.8 million tonnes compared to 2019-20. This decrease is largely due to increased use of renewable generation coupled with less use of black coal generation.

The data also reports 84 million tonnes of scope 2 emissions and 3,724 petajoules of net energy consumed.

See 2020-21 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data highlights for more detail.