The information contained on this page, and in the infographics and factsheets, represents data reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 26 February 2016 for the 2014–15 reporting period. The Clean Energy Regulator may periodically republish National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data to reflect the most up to date information available and in line with ongoing regulation of compliance. Refer to corporate emissions and energy data 2014–15 and electricity sector emissions and generation data 2014–15 for updated data.

​On 26 February 2016, the Clean Energy Regulator published the annual National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data from the 2014–15 reporting year.

For 2014–15, corporations reported a total of:

  • 322 million tonnes scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide equivalent)
  • 91 million tonnes scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide equivalent), and
  • 4041 petajoules net energy consumed.

Note: net energy consumed was previously reported as 5422 petajoules. This number was lowered on 30 September 2016 to reflect more accurate data, following report resubmissions by some corporations.

Data highlights

Key highlights from 2014–15 include:

  • Australia’s 10 highest emitting corporations collectively account for almost half (49.3%) of all reported scope one emissions. Eight out of the 10 highest emitters are electricity generators.
  • The electricity sector remained the largest emitting industry in Australia, accounting for over half (55.3%) of all reported scope one emissions with a reported total of 176 million tonnes (carbon dioxide equivalent). The mining and manufacturing sectors also accounted for a further 20 per cent and 16.6 per cent of reported scope 1 emissions respectively.
  • For the first time, the Clean Energy Regulator published the primary fuel source and emissions intensity for each designated generation facility. This shows that almost half (48.4%) of Australia’s electricity is produced from black coal, with renewables accounting for 11.1 per cent of reported electricity generation.

2014-15 datasets

See more information about what data is published and why. ​​​

2014-15 published data factsheets

A series of factsheets is available, which focuses on some of the key data sets released as part of the ​2014-15 NGER data publication.

When comparing total emissions between reporting years, it is important to note that each year there may be minor changes to the National Greenhouse and Energy (Measurement) Determination 2008, and in the number of reporters and facilities that meet the publication and reporting threshold. The Clean Energy Regulator takes all reasonable efforts to ensure the information published on its website is accurate at the time of publication.​​