Corporations registered under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act) are required to report greenhouse gas emissions, and energy production and consumption to the Clean Energy Regulator, by 31 October each year.
By 28 February each year, the Clean Energy Regulator publishes a point-in-time extract of scope 1, scope 2 emissions and energy production data specific to the electricity sector in 2014–15. Please note this is subject to change based on ongoing regulation of compliance.
In 2014–15, the Clean Energy Regulator published additional data specific to the electricity sector for the first time. This included primary fuel source, emissions intensity and grid connection for each generator, as well as aggregated emissions and production for the entire sector. This data is included in the designated generation facility and the electricity sector emissions and production tables below.
Unlike the corporate emissions and energy data set, which is published at a controlling corporation level, the electricity sector emissions and production data set is published at a designated generation facility level.
Designated generation facility data 2014–15
Information is as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 18 August 2016.
Notes about this publication
Information as reported: The information contained in this publication is as reported by controlling corporations.
Values in ‘state’, ‘grid-connected’, ‘grid’ and ‘primary fuel’ cells: Data in these columns is based a range of publically available data including data sourced from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the Energy Supply Association of Australia.
Cells with ‘0’ values: Cells with ‘0’ value reflect instances where controlling corporations have reported zero scope 1 or scope 2 emissions.
Blank cells: Blank cells refers to information that is not being published at this point in time.
Values in emissions intensity (t/MWh): Emissions intensity values are rounded to the nearest two decimal places. Emissions intensity values have been left blank for corporate totals as they do not apply.
Responsibility for more than one designated generation facility: In cases where a corporation has responsibility for two or more designated generation facilities and energy and emissions information is included in a report under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme, the Clean Energy Regulator is required to publish both facility specific information and corporate totals.
Revisions: The Clean Energy Regulator may periodically republish National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data to reflect the most up to date information available and in line with ongoing regulation of compliance.
Reasonable care: The Clean Energy Regulator takes all reasonable efforts to ensure the information published on its website is accurate at the time of publication.
The Clean Energy Regulator defines the following terms for the purposes of electricity emissions and production data:
Designated generation facility: A designated generation facility, is a facility where the principle activity is electricity production. Facilities that generate electricity for their own use or as a secondary activity are not considered a designated generation facility and therefore not included in this publication. This publication also excludes facilities that form part of a vertically-integrated production process.
Emissions intensity: Emissions intensity data is defined as reported scope 1 emissions divided by reported electricity production. Electricity production is based on total generation reported through National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting, including the use of electricity by the facility. The emissions intensities in this report are based on data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator and no adjustment has been made to reflect any specific circumstances. Emissions intensities elsewhere are more typically measured (including by AEMO) based on energy sent out to the grid, which results in a higher emissions intensity per designated generation facility.
Grid-connected: Grid-connected refers to connection to a designated electricity network, which comprise Australia’s five main electricity grids: the National Electricity Market, the South West interconnected system, the North West interconnected system, the Darwin to Katherine network and the Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network for the purposes of the safeguard mechanism.
Designated generation facility aggregates: If a report submitted under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme contains a facility aggregate, and does not include disaggregated information for individual facilities, data will be published at the aggregated level.
Designated generation facilities cannot apply to have their facility level data withheld under section 25 of the NGER Act.
Downloadable version of the data table
Bundle description
Designated generation facilities report 2014-15
Data revisions:
The original data was published on 26 February 2016 and represents data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 25 February 2016.
The revised data was published on 30 September 2016 and represents data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 18 August 2016:
- This republication includes updated data for the following designated large facilities to reflect report resubmissions: Infigen Energy Limited (Alinta Wind Farm), Power and Water (Katherine Region), Snowy Hydro Limited (Colongra Power Station).
- The electricity production values (megawatt hours) for the 2014–15 designated generation facility data were revised on 30 September 2016 to correct a minor rounding error.
Data was republished on 27 October 2017 and represents data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 18 October 2017.
- This republication includes updated data for the following designated generation facilities to reflect report resubmissions: Alcoa Australian Holdings Pty Ltd (Alinta Wagerup Generation Facility), Hydro-Electric Corporation (Tamar Valley Power Station), Power Generation Corporation (Channel Island Power Station, Katherine Power Station, Kings Canyon, Owen Springs Power Station, Ron Goodin Power Station, Tennant Creek Power Station, Weddell Power Station, Yulara Power Station), Rio Tinto Limited (West Angelas Power Station), Snowtown South Wind Farm Pty. Ltd. (Snowtown South Wind Farm), Snowtown Wind Farm Stage 2 Pty Ltd (Snowtown Wind Farm Stage 2).
There were no report resubmissions made since the 27 October 2017 republication that are required to be updated in the published data.
Electricity sector emissions and production data 2014–15
From 2014–15, the Clean Energy Regulator will publish total electricity production and emissions data to provide greater transparency in terms of how the sector is tracking in relation to the sectoral baseline as set under the safeguard mechanism.
Under the safeguard mechanism, a sectoral baseline will apply collectively to grid-connected generators until it is exceeded. Under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Safeguard Mechanism) Rule 2015 the sectoral baseline is set at 198 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent, based on electricity sector’s emissions from 2009–10 to 2013–14. Sectoral emissions will be compared with the sectoral baseline from 2016-17 onwards.
In 2014–15 total reported scope one emissions from grid connected generators was 176.2 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent.
Notes about this publication
Information as reported: The information contained in this publication is as reported by controlling corporations.
Grid-connected: Grid-connected refers to connection to a designated electricity network, which comprise Australia’s five main electricity grids: the National Electricity Market, the South West interconnected system, the North West interconnected system, the Darwin to Katherine network and the Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network for the purposes of the safeguard mechanism.
Double reporting: Please note that values in the grand total and grid connected total cells exclude double reporting of Callide C Power Station.
Joint ventures: In some circumstances joint venture partners are required to report a full amount for each facility they have in a joint venture. This results in that facility appearing twice.
Revisions: The Clean Energy Regulator may periodically republish National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data to reflect the most up to date information available and in line with ongoing regulation of compliance.
Type of total | Electricity Production (GJ) | Electricity Production (Mwh) | Scope 1 (t CO2-e) | Scope 2 (t CO2-e) | Total Emissions (t CO2-e) |
Grand Total | 803,161,146 | 223,100,318 | 177,983,359 | 1,667,289 | 179,650,648 |
Grid connected Total | 792,104,192 | 220,028,942 | 176,183,805 | 1,667,250 | 177,851,055 |
Data revisions: Electricity sector emissions and production data 2014–15
The original data was published on 26 February 2016 and represents data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 25 February 2016.
The revised data was published on 30 September 2016 and represents data as reported to the Clean Energy Regulator as at 18 August 2016, which includes report resubmissions.