Apply to participate in our schemes, manage tasks and claim certificates securely with our online systems.
Client Portal
Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme services are moving to Online Services
Our forms will be transitioning first. Find out when the service you need is moving so you can plan your activity.
Client Portal provides access to scheme participant resources. You must register for a Client Portal account to access EERS, ANREU and the REC Registry.
Use Client Portal to:
- apply for and run ACCU projects (for some methods)
- manage carbon abatement contracts and deliver ACCUs
- manage access to ACCU Scheme projects, contracts and ANREU accounts
- manage user access for National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme
- apply to include or modify models in the register of solar water heaters
- apply for Emission-Intensive Trade-Exposed exemption certificates.
It’s free to register for the Client Portal. You'll be directed via Online Services.
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Online Services
Changes in Online Services
ACCU Scheme services are progressively moving from Client Portal to Online Services. Find out how this affects you.
Online Services will replace Client Portal. Currently, Online Services provides access to accounts and services, including the Client Portal.
Use Online Services to:
- apply for and run ACCU projects (for some methods)
- open an ANREU account
- update authorised representatives and their roles for an ANREU account
- access ANREU accounts, including in the new Unit and Certificate Registry
- provide Renewable Energy Target inverter serial numbers
- opt-in and report under the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report
- surrender SMCs and ACCUs to meet safeguard obligations
- apply under the Safeguard Mechanism for:
- Safeguard Mechanism credit units (SMCs)
- emissions-intensity determination
- multi-year monitoring periods
- trade-exposed baseline-adjusted determination.
It’s free to register for Online Services.
REC Registry
Renewable Energy Target participants can create, transfer and surrender renewable energy certificates.
Use the REC Registry to:
- surrender certificates to meet annual obligations
- view accredited power stations
- transfer certificates
- find information about the certificate market
- create small-scale technology certificates and large-scale generation certificates
- access the STC clearing house
- access public registers.
Get access
You need an Online Services account to access the REC Registry.
Emissions and Energy Reporting System
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting participants must complete reporting under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007. You must login to EERS to enter data and submit your reports. Reports from previous years are available through EERS.
If you need to update or change user access for your organisation, please log into Client Portal.
More information
Australian National Registry of Emissions Units
The Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU) holds ACCUs and international units and allows you to manage them.
The new Unit and Certificate Registry
We’re transitioning from the current ANREU system to the new Unit and Certificate Registry. The registry will progressively hold all units and certificates we administer. It will allow account holders to manage their units or certificates in one location. Learn more about the Unit and Certificate Registry.
Emissions units that can be held in ANREU include:
- Australian carbon credit units
- international units issued under the Kyoto Protocol
- certified emission reductions
- emissions reduction units
- removal units
- assigned amount units.
Apply for an ANREU account
You must complete the 'Open an ANREU account' form through Online Services to apply.
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Data Services beta
Data Services is the new home of our data.
You can browse 50 datasets across our schemes, with more being added over time.
Use Data Services to:
- view, sort and filter raw tabular data in your browser
- download data as CSV or Parquet files
- use the application programming interfaces (APIs) to connect your systems directly to our data.
You can help us refine Data Services by giving your feedback.