To help you navigate the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Registry, we have provided guidance steps for general account tasks. This includes large-scale generation certificate (LGC) and small-scale technology certificate (STC) processes.

The following browsers, running a screen resolution of 1280 by 1024 pixels, are currently supported by the REC Registry:

  • Microsoft Edge Version 96.0.1054.57 (official build) (64-bit)
  • Chrome Version 96.0.4664.110 (official build) (64-bit)
  • Firefox 95.0 (64-bit).

We don't recommend Internet Explorer as it's not supported. You may have security vulnerabilities and produce unexpected results.

Account tasks

REC Registry roles and permissions can only be changed by the account administrator. All users can update their own details under 'update details'.

Watch our demonstration video

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select 'my account'
  3. Select 'manage users'
  4. Search for your user account
  5. Select 'username link'
  6. Select 'update permissions'
  7. Select the permissions you need to add or remove
  8. Select 'update'

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select 'my account'
  3. Select 'manage users'
  4. Select 'create user' and enter their Client Portal account email address
  5. Select 'create user' again to confirm
  6. When the new user is created you can then select their permissions
  7. Select 'update' to confirm

If you're the current account administrator, you can appoint a new account administrator.

If you aren't and the account administrator is unavailable, you can submit an application.

Your account may have multiple administrators if you wish.

If you need to change the account name, you must submit an application. You can't change the account name in the REC Registry.

Subscribe to event-driven emails

Subscribing to event-driven emails allows you to know about any changes or responses to account activities or scheme-obligated tasks.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select ‘my account’
  3. Select 'manage users’
  4. Search and select the username you want to update
  5. Select 'update event-driven emails' and 'update broadcast emails'
  6. Select the relevant tick boxes
  7. Select 'update'

Pay fees

You need to pay fees when you open or upgrade an account, and when you create or surrender certificates.

You'll then be directed to your payment advice.

You can view the payment advice and pay using one of the methods specified.

Create and transfer large-scale generation certificates

You can follow our steps when adding generation data and creating and transferring LGCs in the REC Registry.

We have demonstration videos for submitting an LGC claim and tracking the status of your LGCs.

Submitting an LGC claim How to track the status of your LGCs

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select 'renewable energy systems' from the left-hand menu, select 'power stations'
  3. Select the relevant power station and select 'update generation data' in the right-hand column
  4. Under 'power station summary', select the relevant generation year from the drop-down menu (the current year will be selected automatically)
  5. Select the relevant month in the table under the selected year's generation data. Enter data in chronological order. It should now display the 'power station data and apportioning of LGCs' page
  6. Enter the following figures, all values must be in megawatt hours (MWh), correct and to 4 decimal places (Value definitions)
    • TLEG
    • FSL
    • Imported AUX
    • DLEG (where editable)
    • MLF, value is pre-populated and not editable by nominated persons.

The 'eligible LGCs' field will be automatically calculated using the provided values. This includes eligible generation from previous months that weren't claimed because it didn't amount to a whole MWh of electricity. Carry-over does not apply across calendar years.

If your power station's baseline is above zero, any generation below your annual baseline will be removed.

  1. Enter the number of LGCs under the relevant fuel source. This will equal the number of eligible LGCs for power stations using one fuel source
    • For multiple fuel sources, eligible LGCs must be split across all fuel sources. The LGCs must represent the generation of each fuel source. The quantities entered for each fuel source must equal the total number of eligible LGCs.
  2. Upload all supporting documents showing the eligible electricity generation being claimed

Select 'save'. You can't create your LGCs until you save your data.

You can create LGCs right after adding generation data or bulk create them if all generation data is already entered.

  1. Select 'create LGCs' after adding generation data or log in and select 'create LGCs' under 'renewable energy systems'.
  2. In the 'create LGCs' table, the 'number of LGCs to create' field will show the number of LGCs to create.
    • You can reduce this number as long as you create less than or equal to the number of LGCs remaining.
    • The total number of LGCs created can't be more than the eligibility for any given month.
  3. Add a unique reference in 'certificate tag' if required by your business process. This is optional and can be left blank.
  4. Select the generation month for each relevant power station using the tick box.
  5. For the selected months, answer the 'standing notice' questions. If there are breaches or compliance issues during a generation month, you need to claim LGCs for the power station individually.
  6. Read and acknowledge the declaration.
  7. Select 'submit'.

Once you have bought or sold an LGC, you have to:

  • accept the transferred certificate from the seller (buying)
  • transfer the certificate to the buyer (selling).
Transferring a certificate to the buyer
  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. In the menu tab, select 'certificate transfers' under 'certificates and transfer'
  3. Select 'transfer certificates' at the top of the page
  4. Using the filters, find and select the type of certificates you want to transfer
  5. Type in the number of LGCs you're transferring
  6. Search or type in the buyer's account name
  7. You can add a note for the buyer if you wish
  8. Select 'transfer certificates'. You should receive a confirmation message

You can see your transferred LGCs under 'certificate transfers'. Once the buyer has accepted the transfer, the LGC will be removed.

Accepting a transfer from the seller
  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. In the menu tab, select 'certificate transfers' under 'certificates and transfer'
  3. Select the incoming transfer, select 'accept selected transfer(s)'
  4. Select 'accept' to confirm. You should receive a confirmation message

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. In the menu tab, select 'certificate transfers' under 'certificates and transfer'
  3. Select the relevant outgoing certificate
  4. Select 'withdraw selected transfer'
  5. You can add a note for the buyer if you wish
  6. Select 'withdraw'. You should receive a confirmation message

You can't withdraw a transfer if the buyer has already accepted.

STC clearing house operations

In the STC clearing house, you can withdraw your STCs, transfer STCs to a buyer or seller, or withdraw your transfer.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select the ‘my account’ menu heading
  3. Select the ‘account applications’ menu item
  4. Select the ‘upgrade account’ button
  5. Select ‘STC clearing house’
  6. Select the ‘next’ button
  7. Fill in the required fields
  8. Submit your application

We’ll assess your application within 24 to 48 hours. You’ll receive an email once it’s been assessed.

Once approved, you may need to update your account permissions to include selling to the STC clearing house.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select the ‘certificates and transfer’ menu heading
  3. Select the ‘STC clearing house’ menu item
  4. Select the ‘sell certificates’ button
  5. Search for the STCs you want to sell by filtering by your account name
  6. Enter the number of STCs you want to sell
  7. Select the ‘sell certificates’ button

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select the 'certificates and transfer' menu heading
  3. Select the 'STC clearing house' menu item to view all STC clearing house offers made by your account
  4. Select the 'withdraw' button next to the offer
  5. Confirm the number of certificates to be withdrawn and select 'withdraw'

Your certificates will be withdrawn from sale on the STC clearing house and returned to 'registered' status in your account.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select the 'certificates and transfer' menu heading
  3. Select the 'certificate transfers' menu item
  4. Select the 'transfer certificates' button
  5. In the 'filter certificates' section, select 'STC' as the 'certificate type' and 'pending STC clearing house sale' as the 'status'
  6. Select the 'filter' button
  7. Enter the number of certificates to be transferred and the account they'll be transferred to.
  8. Select the 'transfer certificates' button

You'll be redirected back to the certificate transfers page. A confirmation will display with the transfer offer ID.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select the 'certificate and transfer' menu heading
  3. Select the 'certificate transfers' menu item
  4. In the 'search certificate transfers' section, select 'outgoing' as the 'transfer type'
  5. Select the 'search' button

STCs awaiting transfer will display in the 'certificate transfers found' section.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select the 'certificates and transfer' menu heading
  3. Select the 'certificate transfers' menu item
  4. Select 'outgoing' as the transfer type in 'search certificate transfers' section
  5. Select 'search'
  6. 'Certificate transfers found' will show STCs awaiting transfer
  7. Select the checkbox next to 'transfer ID'
  8. Select the 'withdraw selected transfer' button
  9. Confirm the transfer by selecting 'withdraw'

You'll be redirected back to the certificate transfers page and a confirmation message will display.

Voluntary surrender

If you have a general REC Registry account with the ‘voluntary surrender’ permission, you can make or cancel voluntary surrender offers in the REC Registry.

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. In the menu tab, select 'voluntary surrender' under 'surrender'
  3. Select 'surrender certificates' at the top of the page
  4. Using the filters, find and select the type of certificates you want to transfer
  5. Select either ‘voluntary’ or ‘non-compliance’ as the ‘surrender type’
  6. Type in the number of certificates you’re surrendering and the reason. Use the ‘notes’ field to add additional information to the surrender offer
  7. Read and agree to the legal declarations
  8. Select 'surrender certificates'

You’ll be directed back to the voluntary surrender page. A confirmation will display with the surrender offer ID. We confirm offers via email before accepting them to ensure:

  • the details you submitted are correct
  • you understand the conditions of the voluntary surrender process.

We aim to process voluntarily surrendered certificates within 4 weeks from when you made the offer.

If you think you need to surrender for the improper creation of certificates, contact us before submitting a voluntary surrender offer.

You can withdraw your voluntary surrender offer through your REC Registry account until we have accepted the offer. 

To withdraw a voluntary surrender offer:

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. In the menu tab, select 'voluntary surrender' under 'surrender
  3. In the 'search surrender offers' section, select 'pending' as the 'offer status' and then search
  4. Check the box for the surrender ID’s of the voluntary surrender offers awaiting processing
  5. Select 'withdraw'

A confirmation message will display at the top of the page.
If your offer withdrawal is successful, the certificates will be returned to your account.

Power station accreditation processes

We've created a demonstration video to help you navigate the REC Registry while applying for accreditation for your power station.

Power station accreditation processes

  1. Log in to your REC Registry account
  2. Select 'renewable energy systems’ from the drop down menu
  3. Select ‘electricity generation return’
  4. Select the generation year and ‘pending lodgement’ as the return status or search a specific power station in the search field
  5. Select ‘search’
  6. Locate the power station on the ‘electricity generation return found’ list and select the green link under ‘power station name’
  7. Select the green ‘lodge electricity generation return’ button at the top left of the screen
  8. Complete all white and required cells. Grey cells will pre-fill with information already in the REC Registry, including:
    • account information
    • power station details
    • energy sources
    • generation details
    • generation summary
    • legal declaration.
  9. Select ‘lodge’ at the bottom right of the final screen

You can also watch our demonstration video when lodging your electricity generation return.

Public registers

You can use the public registers to view the register of STCs and LGCs. It’s easier to search the registers if you know the accreditation code. You can also search using creation year, generation state, fuel source or status.

The table defines the meaning of each status.

Invalid due to auditThe certificate has been failed due to a Clean Energy Regulator audit and has not been registered.
Invalid due to LGSC refundThe certificate has been surrendered to redeem against paid shortfall charges within the allowable refund period (accepted).
Invalid due to STC clearing house deficitRegulator-created small-scale technology certificates have been offset against STCs offered to the STC clearing house when in deficit.
Invalid due to surrenderThe certificate has been surrendered for statutory liability obligations (accepted).
Invalid due to voluntary surrenderThe certificate has been voluntarily surrendered (accepted).
LGCs pending surrender for refundThe certificate has been surrendered to redeem against paid shortfall charges within the allowable refund period (pending assessment).
Pending auditThe certificates are undergoing an audit by us.
Pending creation fee paymentThe certificate is approved but agents need to pay a fee to register the certificate.
Pending STC clearing house saleThe certificates have been offered to the STC clearing house and are awaiting a buyer (STC clearing house in surplus).
Pending surrenderThe certificate has been surrendered for statutory liability obligations. Until the surrender period closes, the account holder can withdraw or change the number of certificates offered for surrender.
Pending transferThe account holder has submitted certificates to be transferred to another account and is waiting on action from the receiving account holder.
Pending voluntary surrenderThe certificate has been voluntarily surrendered (pending assessment).
RegisteredThe certificate is approved and registered by us and is ready for trade or surrender.
STC clearing house pending transferCertificate holders can transfer their place in the STC clearing house queue to another party. The transfer will stay in the pending transfer status until accepted by the receiving account holder.


You can use our guides and demonstration videos for extra help. Our demonstration videos can provide a more in-depth explanation when using the REC Registry.