Accredited power stations can create large-scale generation certificates (LGC) for eligible electricity they generate.

All LGCs must be created by 31 December the year after the electricity was generated. For example, LGCs ​generated in 2023 must be created by 31 December 2024.

Who can create LGCs

To create LGCs, you must be the nominated person for an accredited power station.

You also need a registered person account to submit a claim in the REC Registry

Creating LGCs

Create your certificates in the REC Registry.

Before you create LGCs, you must:

You can create LGCs after entering generation data or in bulk. If you're creating in bulk, ensure all power stations have updated generation data and unclaimed LGCs.

Ensure you have entered the data correctly before you submit.

For help navigating the REC Registry, use our guide when adding generation data and creating LGCs.

LGC supporting documents

To support your LGC claim, prepare the following:

  • generation data: the amount of electricity generated and consumed in intervals of 30 minutes or less, measured by accredited electricity meters
  • data for each fuel source for power stations using multiple fuel sources
  • additional assessment sheets for some biomass fuel sources:
    • auditable trail of documentation for the origin of the fuel sources
    • the quantity of fuel consumed
    • characteristics of the fuels, such as the calorific (heating) value and moisture content.
  • relevant wood waste and energy crops assessment forms
  • extra documentation used to help calculate eligible electricity generation, auxiliary power consumed and demonstrated ineligible fuels.

Validating LGCs

You're responsible for creating the correct number of LGCs for your power station. Your calculation should follow your approved LGC method based on the general formula.

We assess certificate claims to ensure they are valid. LGCs must also be registered before you can buy or sell them.

Validation can take up to 28 days. You can track the status of your LGCs in the REC Registry under 'LGC summary'.

To help us validate certificates, we use:

  • a risk-based approach
  • third-party information sources and supporting data analytics.

We also check the power station has:

Keep a record of your supporting documentation. We may request it for auditing or compliance activities.

Registration fees

After we've validated your LGCs, you will receive an email from the REC Registry.

You need to pay fees to finalise registration. The first 250 certificates you create are free. Once you exceed 250 LGCs, fees will apply to all subsequently created certificates.

The fee is 8c per created LGC.

If fees apply, you can pay them in the REC Registry.

Once registered, certificates will appear as registered in the REC Registry.

Failed LGCs

We may fail LGCs if:

  • you create more LGCs than you're eligible for
  • you create LGCs for the wrong period
  • auxiliary electricity, ineligible fuel or supplementary generation isn't accounted for in your calculations
  • there is no generation data
  • your information doesn't match third-party information about your power station
  • we find inconsistencies about your electricity generation.

We will only fail the ineligible LGCs in a claim. Valid LGCs in the same claim will still pass.

If failed, a record will:

  • appear on your electricity generation return when lodged
  • be published on the public LGC register.

You can still create more LGCs for the power station in the relevant generation month. Further claims must be supported by additional information to demonstrate the newly created LGCs eligibility for registration.

What to do if LGCs are failed

If we fail your LGCs, we will email you with details of the failed claim. The notice will include:

  • why the LGCs were failed
  • if generation data was updated as a result.

You have until the end of the legislated creation window to re-create the LGCs.

You can request a review of our decision within 60 days. Your request must be in writing. If we don't give a written notice of intent to review within 60 days of your request, the decision is confirmed.

You can apply for a review of our reviewed decision to the Administrative Review Tribunal.