Australia has the highest uptake of household solar in the world. Rooftop solar has become a crucial part of Australia's renewable energy.

Rebates and incentives  

If you want to install a rooftop solar system at your home or business, you might be able to get an upfront discount on the purchase price of your system.

Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, eligible systems can claim small-scale technology certificates (STCs). Registered agents can help you get a discount on the purchase price of your system if you assign your right to claim STCs to them.

Once your system is installed you can also choose to sell some of the electricity it generates back to the grid. This is a feed-in tariff.

Depending on your location, you might also be eligible for more rebates. You can find out what rebates are available in each state and territory at Smart Energy Programs

You can also choose to buy and sell STCs yourself.

Installing rooftop solar

Follow our step-by-step guide to find out everything you need to know about installing rooftop solar. You can also use the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's Solar Consumer Guide.

To help decide if a rooftop solar system is right for you, you need to understand how much electricity your home or business uses. This will also help you decide what size system you need. 

Contact your current energy provider to find out how much electricity you use.

Make sure you consider your future electricity use, like if you’re planning to convert gas heating to electric. 

You need to decide how you will use the electricity generated by the rooftop solar panels. You can:

  • use it yourself
  • export it to the grid
  • a mixture of the above
  • save it in a battery if a battery component is installed.

Feed-in tariff rates and redemption processes are different in each state. Check with your state government or electricity retailer to find out what you're eligible for. You should also ask your electricity retailer how a feed-in tariff agreement will affect your electricity bill.

The solar rooftop system you choose will depend on your: 

  • usage 
  • location, including the weather and sun exposure 
  • budget, including the payback period

To be eligible for STCs, your system must: 

If your system has a larger capacity or electricity output, it may be classed as a large-scale system under the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target

Research which system best suits your needs. Solar panel retailers and installers can give you advice about different system types. Prices, warranties and system quality can vary. 

We recommend you get multiple quotes and compare the systems being offered to you. Retailers must provide information about the performance of a system within their quote

Get help choosing a system from: 

Once you've decided to install solar, you need to find a retailer. For help choosing, you can use the New Energy Tech Consumer Code program.

To help protect you from purchasing non-genuine solar panels, the Solar Panel Validation Initiative gives you an easy way to check and confirm that solar panels:

  • are backed by manufacturer warranties
  • meet Australian standards for quality and performance
  • are eligible for STCs.

You should ask your retailer for evidence that your new solar panels are validated and meet Australian standards. This will help ensure your system's quality and performance. It also protects you as a consumer if there are problems after installation. 

Once you've chosen a retailer and agreed to the quote, they will work with an installer to get your system installed. To be eligible under the scheme, the system must be installed by a qualified and accredited person. Make sure your retailer uses Solar Accreditation Australia accredited installers.

Find an approved seller.

Check your installers' accreditation.

Find out more about installation: 

Installing a small-scale renewable energy system and creating and selling STCs is complicated. To make things simpler, most people choose to use a registered agent.

Registered agents can help: 

  • calculate the financial benefit you're eligible for
  • coordinate the purchase and installation of your system. 
  • give you an upfront discount on your system in exchange for the right to claim STCs for your system.

Ask your retailer if they'll include an option for you to assign the right to claim STCs to them in return for an upfront discount. This will usually be part of your purchase contract. 

Find out more about registered agents.

Important to know

We don’t set the certificate price used by agents. We also don't get involved in disputes between owners and agents. This is a contractual matter between you and your agent. 

The usual price is $33$38.

On the day of installation, confirm your installer is the correct person for your installation and ask to see their accreditation and licence details.

If your installer is not on-site for the whole installation, confirm they'll be on-site for the:

  • job setup
  • mid-install
  • commissioning.

After the installation is complete, check the system is in good condition and operating. Ask the installer for instructions on how to operate the system. If you're asked to sign paperwork, ensure you review and understand the documents before signing.

Contact your approved seller if you have concerns or a complaint about your installation. You can find their contact details on the invoice or contract from your installation. 

Find out more about how to make a complaint about your solar retailer or installation.

If you decide to create your own STCs, you must create them within 12 months of the installation.

You can't create STCs if you've already assigned the right to an agent.

If you’ve installed an eligible system in the past 12 months and haven’t assigned your STCs to an agent or claimed the certificates yourself, you should check your installation paperwork. You might still be eligible to claim and trade STCs. 

Find out how to create STCs.

After your panels are installed, get someone to check they're safe every year. Use a licensed electrician accredited by Solar Accreditation Australia. 

It's also important to have regular maintenance performed to ensure your system is:

  • safe for those living close by
  • safe for electrical workers
  • performing well and saving you money on your power bills.

We don't regulate system maintenance. Ask your solar retailer or installer about a recommended maintenance schedule.

Damage to your system can occur from:

  • dust and debris build-up
  • water and moisture seepage
  • vermin
  • hail, wind and sunlight.

Regular maintenance should ensure:

  • solar panels are clean, secure and free of defects
  • no parts have deteriorated or corroded
  • vents are free of debris
  • switches don't have any defects
  • wiring is not damaged or deteriorated
  • all electrical components are operating as intended
  • fittings and cables are securely attached
  • the inverter display panel has no recorded faults
  • access to the isolator switches is not impeded
  • the emergency procedures for shutdown and isolation are clearly displayed.

You can move your solar panels to a different location. You must:

  • have a qualified electrician or certified builder perform the removal and re-installation
  • follow your power supplier's requirements about disconnecting and re-connecting to the electricity supply.

STCs are assigned to a property address, not a property owner. STCs are paid upfront with installation of the system. Second-hand systems are not eligible for STCs.

Your panels won't be eligible to claim STCs if re-installed at a new property.