Registered agents help individuals and small businesses install small-scale renewable energy systems under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

Find out how to become a registered agent.

Using registered agents

Installing a small-scale renewable energy system and creating and selling small-scale technology certificates (STCs) can be complicated. To make things simpler, most system owners choose to use a registered agent.

Registered agents:

  • work with retailers to ensure the system meets all eligibility requirements
  • facilitate the creation of STCs
  • allow the system owner to get a discount without having to create and trade STCs themselves.

Assigning the right to create STCs

When a system owner uses a registered agent, they assign their right to create STCs to the agent in exchange for an upfront discount on the system's purchase price. The agent can then create and sell STCs. The system owner can only assign the right to one agent at a time.

The right to create STCs can only be assigned from a system owner. The agent can accept or refuse the assignment. If they accept, they can create STCs in the REC Registry and then trade them to liable entities for money. 

If the agent refuses the assignment, they must let the owner know in writing. This usually happens through the system retailer. The owner can then assign the rights to a new agent. 

When an STC claim is improperly created, we fail the claim. We sometimes allow the claim to be re-created if the reason for failure can be resolved. The agent can then choose to re-create the certificates. If they choose not to, the agent must let the retailer and owner know they don’t want the rights to the STCs in writing. The agent must include the reason they are withdrawing and the reason we failed the claim. The owner can then assign the rights to a new agent. The new agent must be told the reason for the failed claim in writing. 

Agents must have all necessary evidence to ensure the system is eligible and meets all legislative requirements. This includes addressing the failure reason before re-creating the STCs. 

Participants, including parties arranging the reassignment of certificates, must be mindful that providing false and misleading information to create certificates is an offence under 24 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000

We won’t fail valid STCs because the owner or retailer wants to reassign certificates to a different agent. Once STCs are created and approved, agents can transfer STCs to another person with a general account in the REC Registry.

We offer a financial incentive to install small-scale renewable energy systems. It's not a rebate. We don't pay money to system owners or registered agents. Our role is to register validly created STCs which agents can trade for money.

We don't get involved in disputes between owners, retailers and agents. This is a contractual matter between the parties involved.

If a registered agent goes into external administration and owes money for STCs, affected parties should contact the appointed administrators and register a claim against the company.

We don't help in claiming for creditors during company administration.

Check the company status on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission website.

Agent responsibilities and obligations

If you're a registered agent or interested in becoming one, you must understand your responsibilities and obligations.

Your responsibilities and obligations include:

  • maintaining records and operating procedures
  • meeting all legal obligations
  • applying practice standards
  • ensuring all contractual (payment) obligations are met. 
Become a registered agent

As a registered agent, you will have the following fees:

  • a one-time registration fee of $230 to become a registered agent
  • creation fees of 47c per created STC if you're assigned the right to create STCs.

You can pay registration and creation fees through the REC Registry.

Find out how to pay your fees.

Once you're registered as an agent, you must keep certain documents and records. You must also establish and document certain procedures to help protect the integrity of STCs.

You must:

  • keep evidence supporting every STC created for at least 5 years
  • have documented procedures preventing the improper creation of STCs. These procedures should verify that:
    • the solar photovoltaic panels are valid and system components are approved by the Clean Energy Council (CEC)
    • systems are designed and installed by Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) accredited persons
    • the installation meets relevant Australian standards
    • the installation occurred at the listed address
    • duplication claims are never made for the panels, system components and listed address.
  • have documented procedures to report improper STC creation within 72 hours.

You must be registered with us and comply with legal obligations.

You must also undertake a fit and proper person assessment. We expect you to have:

  • necessary skills
  • capability and competency
  • good business practices
  • good character.

We will disclose allegations about registered agents engaging in unfair business practices to other regulators, such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and state and territory fair-trading bodies. These allegations may include unclear or unfair contract terms or failing to pay customers.

We may have regard to such matters when considering whether a registered agent remains fit and proper, and will be able to continue as a registered person. 

You're expected to apply practice standards to protect yourself and your customers. 

1) Maintain up-to-date knowledge of industry standards and legal requirements including:

2) Give customers clear information about STC eligibility and assigning the right to create certificates.

3) Use approved retailers, accredited designers and installers.

4) Identify your business risk and exposure to third-party fraud.

5) Ensure the integrity of business partners, contractors and clients.

6) Provide proper training and monitoring of staff to ensure the proper creation of STCs.

7) Maintain fair and clear business practices for payment of STC creations.

Find out more in the registered agent code of conduct.

Receiving the right to create STCs

If a system owner assigns the right to create STCs to you as a registered agent, confirm they are the system owner and complete an assignment form.

The person or entity who owns the system at the time it's completely installed can assign the right to create STCs to you.

The system owner could be:

  • the owner or mortgagee of a house or building
  • the renter of a property or building
  • a property developer or builder
  • the solar financing provider, in the case of power purchase agreements or similar.

If you're a registered agent, you must get an STC assignment form signed by the system owner. The form must include a declaration that the system owner assigned the right to create STCs to you.

You can use our example STC assignment form as a guide.

Before the assignment, you must ensure the system is eligible and meets all installation requirements.

After installation, you should check:

  • the installation documents provided are accurate
  • the STC assignment form has been signed and dated by the system owner.

Make sure the person who signs the STC assignment form is legally entitled to sign it. 

Find out more about what you need to create STCs.