This method is closed – new projects can’t be registered

The environmental plantings pilot method expired on 30 September 2024. 

For projects that started their crediting period before the method expired, new land can no longer be added to the project area. These projects won’t otherwise be affected and will continue for the duration of their crediting period.

Refer to our guidance for ACCU Scheme participants impacted by the expiry of a method for more information.

Projects under the environmental planting pilot method can earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) by planting trees to achieve forest cover.


To be eligible, you must:

  • be the owner, leaseholder or native title holder of your proposed project land
  • achieve forest cover where it hasn’t been achieved for at least 5 years
  • meet permanence obligations.

You must also meet the general eligibility requirements for the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme.

This is a streamlined version of participation in the full reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings FullCAM method 2014 (REMP) method. It removes the audit requirements associated with running a project under the full REMP Method.

It's important to note that the REMP pilot has more specific eligibility requirements.


Livestock grazing must be restricted to not affect the ability of your plantings to achieve or maintain forest cover.

You can’t remove biomass, such as fallen timber, from your plantings unless thinning for:

  • ecological purposes
  • fire management, in accordance with traditional First Nations practices or native title rights
  • specific personal use or consumption.

Method requirements

Environmental plantings activities must establish new and permanent forest cover by planting a mixture of:

  • native and local tree
  • shrub
  • understory species.

25 years.

You can earn ACCUs for each tonne of carbon that’s stored in project trees.

You must estimate the amount of carbon abatement your project is likely to generate. You can do this by using LOOC-C. LOOC-C is an online tool from the Centre for Scientific Innovation and Research Organisation (CSIRO). This tool estimates the amount of carbon abatement that your project generates.

To use LOOC-C, you must be able to provide the:

  • project location
  • excluded areas (if applicable)
  • previous use of the land from the last 5 years.

Based on the information you provide, LOOC-C estimates the total carbon abatement (tCO2-e) that your project might generate over 25 years. It can also calculate the annual rate of abatement tCO2-e per hectare.

At the Clean Energy Regulator, we can assist with annual project mapping and modelling.

You can report and earn ACCUs as often as every 6 months. You must provide a report at least every 5 years.

Projects under this method don’t have scheduled audits. Instead, geospatial tools are used to:

  • confirm the planting activity has happened
  • verify that abatement is achieved
  • monitor for disturbances.