On 25 March 2025, we permanently suspended the registration of NetZero Environmental Group Pty Ltd under section 30A of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. NetZero can no longer create renewable energy certificates.
The decision follows a Notice of Intent to suspend the registration of NetZero issued to the company on 19 December 2024.
Registered persons are subject to ongoing fit and proper person requirements. Certain acts are prescribed matters that we must consider in determining fit and proper person status. This includes conviction for certain offences or breaches of schemes we administer.
We also have wide discretion to take into account any other matter we consider relevant. This includes whether registered persons have, and continue to have:
- necessary skills
- capability and competency
- good business practices
- integrity and good character.
We have suspended NetZero because we are satisfied that NetZero is no longer a fit and proper person.
This decision is effective immediately.
We are committed to ensuring compliance of registered agents with the Act. Registered agents are expected to understand their responsibilities and obligations upon becoming a registered agent.
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