On Thursday 19 December 2024, the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) issued a Notice of Intent to suspend the registration of NetZero Environmental Group Pty Ltd (NetZero) from the Renewable Energy Target scheme under section 30A of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.
A Notice of Intent (NOI) is a document that outlines a proposed decision to be made by the CER. NOIs are based on the information available to the us at the time of issuing the NOI.
NOIs, including the information upon which they are based, are provided to scheme participants as an opportunity for the participant to respond to any conclusions of fact reached by us in the NOI. This response may include the participant providing the CER with information not known to us which may impact on whether the proposed decision is ultimately made.
An NOI does not affect a scheme participant’s ability to continue to participate in the scheme.
In accordance with our Compliance policy for education, monitoring and enforcement activities our activities are undertaken in a manner which is fair and impartial.