Our compliance and enforcement priorities identify particular areas of focus in each of the schemes we administer. We share them to increase voluntary scheme compliance and identify areas for improvement.

We also publish quarterly updates on emerging compliance and enforcement issues, including:

  • recent court decisions
  • issues brought to our attention
  • trends in compliance outcomes.

Current compliance and enforcement priorities

Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme

  • Human-induced Regeneration gateway checks – proponents monitoring obligations
  • Notification requirements
  • Soil sampling

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme and Safeguard Mechanism

  • Safeguard facilities — accuracy and management of excess emissions
  • Inaccurate or late NGER Scheme reports
  • Failure to register

Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme

  • Written statements for small-scale technology certificate claims must not be false or misleading
  • Liable entities with outstanding shortfall debts 


  • Compliance audits
  • Auditors
Read our compliance and enforcement priorities for 2024-25