What is greenwashing?

Greenwashing is when a company makes itself, its products or services seem more environmentally friendly, sustainable or ethical than they are.

For example, a company might claim its products create less carbon emissions than they really do. The company could gain financial and reputational benefits, even if it isn't reducing its emissions.

Why dealing with greenwashing is important

In Australia, we're aiming for a future with net zero carbon emissions. More people are choosing products and companies that contribute to this goal. That's why it's important to ensure what companies say about reducing carbon emissions or the carbon intensity of their products and services is accurate.

What we’re doing to deal with greenwashing

The CER does not have a role in regulating greenwashing. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) are responsible for investigating greenwashing.

We support the ACCC and ASIC in their work on greenwashing by sharing information with them. The CER holds important data from carbon emissions and energy use reporting. We also issue Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and Renewable Energy Certificates as well as operating Registries that provide for such units and certificates to be traded and cancelled.

We share our data with ACCC and ASIC to help them to determine whether carbon emissions claims that companies make may amount to greenwashing. We may also refer concerns to them for regulatory action.

Greenwashing is an enforcement priority for ACCC and ASIC. To find out more about their priorities, visit:

Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) Report

Each year, we publish the CERT Report. The report lets companies voluntarily share their progress on emissions and renewable electricity commitments.

Find out more about the CERT Report.

Participant reporting

Participants in our schemes and activities must report certain information to us.

We ensure they meet their reporting obligations as set out in our education, monitoring and enforcement activities.

How you can help

If you have any concerns about greenwashing, contact us.

To report fraud or other misconduct, go to our online reporting tool.