Joint CER/DCCEEW response to ANU papers on Human Induced Regeneration

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has released Carbon Estimation Area (CEA) data following recommendations from the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU Review) and a change to the law by Parliament.

The Department of Climate Change Energy Environment and Water and the Clean Energy Regulator provide the following statement in response to the two papers released by Andrew Macintosh et al on Human Induced Regeneration (HIR) the week of 19 June 2023:

Change is coming to the new online services portal

During 2023, we will be progressively transferring new method specific registration and crediting forms for the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) scheme onto a new online services portal.

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) is working to improve the experience for ACCU scheme participants and reduce assessment processing times for registration and reporting, including the issuance of carbon credits.

Applicants registering or reporting under these methods can expect:

First ACCUs issued under 2021 soil carbon method

The Clean Energy Regulator has issued Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) for the first time under the Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration using Measurement and Models Methodology Determination 2021 (2021 soil carbon method).

The 2021 soil carbon method allows ACCUs to be issued as a result of implementing new or materially different eligible management activities that lead to a measured increase in soil carbon.

Households increase rooftop solar and energy efficiency uptake

The Clean Energy Regulator's (CER) Quarterly Carbon Market Report (QCMR) for Quarter 1 (Q1) 2023 has been released. The QCMR shows that everyday Australians are increasingly taking greater control of their energy costs.

CER Chair David Parker said the report shows installation of energy efficient water heaters continue record growth up more than 40% from the same quarter last year. It will be interesting to see whether that level of increase is maintained throughout the year.

Carbon Estimation Areas released as part of ACCU Review implementation

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has released Carbon Estimation Area (CEA) data following recommendations from the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU Review) and a change to the law by Parliament.

A CEA is the area within a project where the project or carbon management activity takes place. CEAs are the area where carbon will be stored, and for which Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) are issued.

Auction 15 results

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) held Auction 15 on 29 and 30 March 2023. At Auction 15, the CER contracted 7.9 million tonnes of carbon abatement at an average price of $17.12. This represents a 4% increase in volume on the previous auction. This is the first auction held after the Independent Review of ACCUs affirmed that the ACCU scheme arrangements are sound.

Register for ERF auction 15

Registration for the Emissions Reduction Fund auction 15 is open until 11:59 pm (AEDT) Wednesday 22 March 2023.

Any auction registration submissions received after 11:59 pm (AEDT) Wednesday, 22 March 2023 will not be accepted, and you will miss out on participating in the Auction.

Auction registration involves setting the delivery terms of the contract. The authorised bidder is required to provide:

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