Solar retailers procure, sell and arrange the installation of solar PV systems.
If you're a retailer, there are certain things you must do to ensure your systems are eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STC).
Record-keeping requirements
Before selling and installing systems, you must provide written evidence of the following up front to the system owner. This ensures they understand what their system is going to do.
- A contract of sale (or accepted quote) that includes your obligations to connect the system to the grid (if applicable).
- Accredited designer and installer names and details.
- Details on system performance and circumstances in which the system may not perform.
- Information about feed-in tariffs and export limits for the system.
- Information about the expected payback period, energy savings or cost savings.
- Any conflicts of interest disclosed to the system owner.
You must also keep a record of all required information for at least 5 years.
Written statements
When you sell a solar PV system, you need to complete a written statement. The system won't be eligible for STCs without it.
You need to give this written statement to registered agents or system owners so they can create STCs.
A representative with authority to act on behalf of your business must sign the written statement. Make sure they understand the statements they are making for each installation.
The written statement must confirm:
- the installer's details and if they're an employee or contractor
- the system will perform as stated in the contract unless circumstances occur outside the retailer's control
- the system is complete and capable of generating electricity
- they completed the relevant connections to the grid according to the contract
- they provided written information to the system's owner about:
- feed-in tariffs
- relevant export limits
- the expected payback period
- the expected energy savings
- the expected cost savings
- they disclosed and managed any conflicts of interest
- they don't have a declaration stating they're not eligible to make statements
- all statements are true and correct.
You should provide your representative's details (name and position) to your registered agent.
You can use our example solar retailer written statement as a guide.
The written statement doesn't replace any obligations under Commonwealth, state or territory laws, particularly Australian Consumer Law.
Relevant legislation: regulation 20AH of the Regulations.
We may declare you ineligible to make written statements if you make 3 or more false or misleading statements in a 3-year period.
This means the solar PV systems you sell won't be eligible for STCs.
We list ineligible solar retailers on our website for consumers to see.
Practice standards
You're expected to apply practice standards to protect yourself and your customers.
1) Maintain up-to-date knowledge of industry standards and legal requirements including:
- the Act and Regulations
- our guidance and policies
- tax law and GST on STCs
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission requirements
- Australian Financial Services licenses and business practices
- Australian and state and territory consumer laws.
2) Give customers clear information about:
- how the solar PV system works and its expected performance
- system warranties and maintenance
- the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme and eligibility requirements for STCs
- assigning the right to create certificates.
3) Use accredited designers and installers.
4) Identify your business risk and exposure to third-party fraud. Ensure the integrity of business partners, contractors and clients.
5) Make sure your staff understand and follow procedures to ensure documents are accurate and complete.