Accredited power stations have obligations to maintain accreditation under the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target. We monitor compliance to ensure accredited power stations are meeting accreditation requirements.
Your accreditation obligations
To maintain your power station accreditation, you must:
- operate under government laws
- submit an annual electricity generation return
- notify us of any changes to your power station's components and apply to vary your power station's accreditation
- notify us if the owner, operator or nominated person of your power station changes and apply to vary the title if needed
- notify changes to stakeholder and contact information
- maintain metering, LGC method and component listing records.
When notifying us of a change, ensure you complete the relevant form:
- update or change the owner or operator
- change the nominated person
- change the capacity or components of your power station
As the nominated person, you can apply to suspend the accreditation of your power station.
Electricity generation returns
Power stations must submit an electricity generation return (EGR) by close of business on 14 February every year. If this date falls on a weekend, submit on the following business day.
Submit your return in the REC Registry under 'electricity generation return'. You can use our step-by-step guide to help you when submitting.
We use these returns to confirm accreditation and ensure power stations get the correct LGC entitlement.
A power station's nominated person must submit an electricity generation return covering:
- the accreditation start date to 31 December
- each full year they're operating in the scheme.
If you're the nominated person on 31 December, you're responsible for providing the EGR for the entire year. This includes periods under another nominated person.
Before submitting, confirm the following details are correct in the REC Registry:
- nominated person, other stakeholders and primary contact details (your primary contact in your EGR must match the primary contact in the REC Registry)
- capacity of the power station including added or changed components
- fuel sources used to generate electricity
- entered monthly generation data has supporting documentation.
Enter all the generation data that is currently available to you even if you don't have all the required data and supporting documents. Use the free text fields to include details of any issues experienced and calculations used.
Don't wait for LGCs to be validated. Submit your EGR by the deadline regardless of LGCs claim validation.
Compliance monitoring
We track ongoing compliance through:
- standing notices completed when creating large-scale generation certificates (LGC)
- assessment and ongoing review of LGC validation claims
- site visits and inspections
- our annual risk-based audit program
- the collection of information from you or other parties
- electricity generation returns.
If we suspect breaches of the Act, we may take action following our compliance and enforcement approach. We may suspend a power station for failing to meet ongoing accreditation requirements.
Complaints and concerns
Power stations must comply with relevant Commonwealth, state, territory and local government law. These government bodies are responsible for enforcing laws for power stations. This includes:
- health and safety issues
- environmental concerns
- planning approvals.
If people have concerns or complaints about power stations, they can contact the relevant government body. The relevant body is responsible for investigating complaints against their approvals and legislation.
We monitor compliance and work with other government authorities to understand suspected breaches of their law. Our team may investigate matter and then maybe take action.
Suspending accreditation
We may suspend an accreditation if a power station operates against state, territory, or local government law.
If suspended, you can't claim LGCs for any electricity generated during that time. Power stations can still operate outside the scheme if suspended.
We will lift the suspension when the power station:
- operates following relevant government law
- resolves all non-compliance issues.
We don't have the power to:
- prosecute breaches of local laws
- issue rectification orders
- take legal action to ensure compliance with local laws.
If we suspend your accreditation, you have the right to request a review of our decision.