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The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has amended the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015. The amendment requires us to publish more information on the Australia Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme project register.

This is a welcome change as it improves transparency around how the ACCU Scheme works to accelerate carbon abatement for Australia. It follows a recommendation of the 2022 Independent Review of ACCUs.

Over the next 6-months, we will transition the project register to publish the new information. These updates will be completed by 20 June 2025. It will be supported by the recent modernisation of our online systems, which includes new forms to improve data collection to meet these publication requirements.

During this period, we'll work with participants to confirm the information to be published on the project register.

The additional project data will include:

  • more detail on the activities being undertaken by each project to support carbon abatement
  • description of any identified suppression mechanisms and removal of suppressors
  • type of estimation or modelling approach used by the project to calculate carbon abatement
  • crediting period start and end dates
  • permanence start date for sequestration projects
  • modelling start date for each carbon estimation area (CEA) using FullCAM or Reforestation Modelling Tool to estimate abatement
  • link to any enforceable undertakings made with respect to the project
  • names of all authorised agents or any other person who is significantly involved in a project’s registration or administration.

During the transition period, we'll publish updates to the project register after the end of each month.