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Visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s (DCCEEW) consultation hub to have your say on the latest Guarantee of Origin (GO) consultation package and download the latest calculator.

The GO scheme will track and verify emissions associated with hydrogen, renewable electricity and potentially other clean energy products, underpinning market development and supporting trade.

The latest consultation package provides a practical perspective on what participants will be able to expect from the GO scheme once it commences. This includes:

  • the emissions accounting approach
  • the approach to certifying renewable electricity
  • scheme expansion (to new products).

The consultation package also includes the new GO Scheme Emissions Calculator. The Calculator has been developed to assist with consultation on the emissions accounting approach for the GO scheme. This is a revised version of the Hydrogen Production Emissions calculator originally developed by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) as part of the Guarantee of Origin trials to assist in estimating greenhouse gas emissions from a hydrogen production process.

The CER in collaboration with the DCCEEW ran the Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin trials from March 2022 to April 2023. These trials engaged numerous prospective scheme participants to test various proposed elements of the GO scheme design including metering approaches, reporting frameworks and emission intensity calculation methods. Learnings from these trials have been used to refine the scheme design. A summary of trial project learnings may be found on the Trial projects page.

We encourage stakeholders to provide feedback on the consultation hub. This feedback will inform the final legislation and the drafting of regulations to give effect to the GO scheme.

The CER will be responsible for administering the scheme, including compliance, monitoring and assurance. It is anticipated that the legislation giving effect to the GO scheme will be in place in 2024.