This consultation is now closed.

Read about the trial findings.

We want feedback on the development of a Guarantee of Origin Scheme that will measure and display key attributes of how and where a unit of hydrogen is produced, including its carbon intensity.


In partnership with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, we have been undertaking a process of consultation, co-design and trials for the development of a Guarantee of Origin Scheme. Guarantee of Origin is a world-class assurance scheme being designed to track and verify emissions associated with hydrogen, renewable electricity and potentially other products made in Australia. Over time, it could expand to include a range of products such as metals and low emissions fuels.​


  • Initial consultation and co-design: 21 June to 6 August 2021
  • Policy consultation: 12 December 2022 to 8 February 2023
  • Trial workshops phase 1: March to July 2022
  • Trial workshops phase 2: November 2022 to April 2023

Consultation stages

Find out more about each stage of the consultation process.

The development of a Guarantee of Origin Scheme was announced as part of the National Hydrogen Strategy in November 2019.

To support scheme design, we conducted Guarantee of Origin trials (jointly with the department) for hydrogen as its first low emissions product.

The department has been working domestically and internationally on the design of the scheme. This has included leading Australia's participation in the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy which is the leading international inter-governmental forum for developing and agreeing on emissions accounting methodologies across the hydrogen supply chain.

Consultation on initial scheme design was undertaken in 2021. For more information, see the department's Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin scheme: discussion paper. We were funded to run the trials of a Guarantee of Origin Scheme for hydrogen to inform policy development.

The 2022–23 Budget provided the department with $2.2 million to develop and consult on a design and draft legislation for the scheme. On 12 December 2022, the department released discussion papers outlining a proposed policy design that would:

  • provide a mechanism to track and verify emissions associated with hydrogen and other low emissions commodities produced in Australia
  • provide an enduring certificate mechanism for renewable electricity which could support a variety of renewable energy claims.

On 20 September 2023, the department released a further round of consultation on scheme design and the updated Guarantee of Origin emissions calculator. You can review these documents on the department's consultation on the Guarantee of Origin Scheme.

Participation in the phase one trials involved workshops with industry stakeholders, run by us and supported by the department. The workshops provided a collaborative space for stakeholders involved in hydrogen, ammonia and related low emissions products and the relevant parts of their supply chain to discuss and co-design principles that should be considered for a successful future scheme.​

Broader stakeholder group

In addition to the trial workshops, a second stakeholder consultation group was formed. This includes:

  • peak bodies and industry groups with an interest in the trials
  • international hydrogen groups
  • state government representatives
  • Australian Government agencies
  • project developers.

This group receives reports on the discussions and progress of the trials and provided​ feedback on issues relating to the operation of the overall scheme.

This phase tested the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy methodology on the production of ammonia, hydrogen carriers, and storage and transport in an Australian context.

We also ran an in-depth series of workshops during the trials to inform the design of the digital system, including the certificate registry and online services. ​

Find out more about the ​trial projects.