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Amendments have been made to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme legislation. These amendments:

  • introduce the optional, supplementary reporting of market-based ‘scope 2’ emissions (emissions associated with the consumption of electricity)
  • update the Method 1 emissions factor used to calculate emissions of methane from Queensland open cut coal mines
  • update Method 1 and 2 for the estimation of methane emissions released from landfills (other than from flaring of methane)
  • create 2 new biofuels: renewable diesel and renewable aviation kerosene
  • define biodiesel to give clarity on the distinction between biodiesel and renewable diesel.

The full text of these amendments can be found on the Federal Register of Legislation:

These amendments will take effect on 1 July 2023 and affect reports due by 31 October 2024 for the 2023–24 reporting year.

These amendments do not affect reports due by 31 October 2023 for the 2022-23 reporting year.

Public consultation on these amendments took place from 3 April 2023 to 28 April 2023. Further information on these amendments is available at the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s 2023 NGER scheme updates consultation page. This page also includes submitted responses to this consultation where consent has been given to publish the response, as well as a statement on consultation outcomes.

If you have queries about this, please contact us.