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The Minister for Climate Change and Energy revoked the Industrial electricity and fuel efficiency (IEFE) method under the Emissions Reduction Fund on 11 January 2023. IEFE has been replaced with a new and improved method that was developed based on stakeholder feedback.

The IEFE method previously credited the emissions reductions achieved by electricity and fuel efficiency activities. The new industrial and commercial emissions reduction (ICER) method is easier to use and supports new types of emissions reducing upgrades.

New projects cannot be registered under the IEFE method. Projects already registered under the IEFE method for which the crediting period has started can:

  • continue to use the method for the duration of their 7-year crediting period
  • move to the ICER method if they meet the eligibility requirements.

Existing IEFE projects whose crediting period has not yet started can apply to have their project registered under the ICER method.

Visit Closed methods or contact us for further information.