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Changes to your energy acquisition statement

You’ll notice some changes in the REC Registry when you lodge your upcoming energy acquisition statement (EAS). These were added to make reporting easier and lead to fewer administrative errors.

  • You can now upload supporting documents when reporting your relevant acquisitions. These will help reduce the number of information requests sent to you while your EAS is being assessed.
  • Relevant acquisition details in the EAS are pre-filled from the previous year's details, excluding reporting dates and acquisition amounts. These details can be adjusted based on any reporting changes from the previous year.
  • Two new drop-down lists have been added to give you more options for describing your relevant acquisitions.
    • ‘Electricity acquired from’
    • ‘Electricity supplied to’
  • A summary page will appear at the end of your application for your review before submitting your EAS.

Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding these changes to your EAS lodgement.

2022 EAS amendments

If the acquisition amounts reported in your 2022 EAS have changed for any reason, you will need to submit this amendment before completing your 2023 EAS. This includes a revision in Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) settlement data. Find out more about amending energy acquisition statements.

If the amendment increases your certificate liability, you can surrender additional small-scale technology certificates (STCs) and large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) at the same time to avoid a shortfall charge.

2023 EAS submission

A description and any other relevant information should be included in the notes section available for each acquisition line you report. This helps us verify what you have reported and will reduce the number of additional information requests you receive.

Please apply the amended reporting method to your 2023 submission if we amended your 2022 EAS.

Emissions-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) exemption certificates

Remind your EITE customers that failure to submit their electricity use data to us by 15 January 2024 may delay the assessment of the notice of certifiable amount.

Contact us

The team is ready to assist if you have any questions about your EAS. Please contact us in preparation of the EAS submission deadline on 14 February 2024.

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