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On 7 May 2020, Trina Solar (Australia) Pty Ltd (Trina Solar) entered into an enforceable undertaking with the Clean Energy Regulator to address ineligible solar panel serial numbers that were uploaded by Trina Solar into the Solar Panel Validation Service. Ineligible means that the solar panels were not eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STCs) under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. The enforceable undertaking was accepted under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (the Act).

The Clean Energy Regulator and Trina Solar have agreed to vary the enforceable undertaking in accordance with the Act. The variation is to the effect that Trina Solar will undertake a Compliance Testing Program on a select number of panels. This will provide assurance to the Clean Energy Regulator as to the safety and quality of the solar panels that have been installed and do not meet the Clean Energy Council approved photovoltaic (PV) module listing requirements.

The Clean Energy Regulator will seek consent from selected owners of affected systems and Trina Solar will arrange for the removal and replacement of the solar panels. A sample of solar panels will then be delivered to PV Lab Australia to undergo appropriate compliance testing.

Enforceable undertakings are voluntary, written statements from a scheme participant that they will do, or refrain from doing, specified actions to resolve non-compliance or improve compliance with the legislation administered by us. Enforceable undertakings are designed to secure effective and efficient remedies to address non-compliance without the need for court proceedings, and to provide non-adversarial and constructive solutions to compliance issues.

For further information please see current enforceable undertakings or contact us.