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As a registered controlling corporation under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act), Diamond Offshore General Company LLC (Diamond) is required to submit annual reports on its greenhouse emissions, energy production and energy consumption.

Our 2020-21 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities highlighted that we are focusing compliance activities on National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) reporters with a history of late reporting or submitting inaccurate or incomplete data.

Diamond has submitted several inaccurate NGER reports. The Clean Energy Regulator (the agency) has accepted an enforceable undertaking from Diamond, ensuring that the quality of its NGER reports will be improved by Diamond committing to:

  1. conduct internal monthly reviews of data that forms the basis of their reporting
  2. provide a ‘Basis of Preparation’ to the agency which illustrates the methodology by which the NGER report has been prepared
  3. appoint an Advisor to assist in analysing and preparing their Basis of Preparation
  4. appoint a Compliance Consultant to conduct yearly reviews of their internal reporting system, NGER reports and associated data, and completing bi-annual reviews of their Basis of Preparation
  5. prepare and implement additional training to appropriate staff, and
  6. provide progress reports to the agency regarding items identified under the enforceable undertaking as areas to be improved and details of actions taken to resolve those items.

Enforceable undertakings are voluntary, written statements from a scheme participant that they will do, or refrain from doing, specified actions to resolve non-compliance or improve compliance with the legislation administered by us. Enforceable undertakings are designed to secure effective and efficient remedies to address non-compliance without the need for court proceedings, and to provide non-adversarial and constructive solutions to compliance issues. In instances where this is not possible, the agency may apply to a court to have the terms of the undertaking enforced.

For further information please see current enforceable undertakings or contact us.

Further information

We administer the NGER Act, which establishes a single, national framework for reporting and disseminating company information about greenhouse gas emissions, energy production, and energy consumption.

The data reported by companies under the NGER scheme is used to inform and underpin government policy, meet international reporting obligations, and give the public visibility of Australia’s largest companies’ emissions and energy production and use.