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On Wednesday 29 September 2021, the Clean Energy Regulator (the agency) collaborated with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to execute a ‘s3E Search Warrant’ on the home of a business involved in solar panel retail and installation.

The search warrant aimed to uncover further evidence of fraudulent activity. To date, agency investigators suspect that over 640 solar panel installations in Western Australia have been completed by one installer and his business associate, using false installer accreditation details.

While the installer and his business associate are accredited under the rules administered by the Clean Energy Council (CEC), they are not adequately accredited under their state laws in Western Australia, which are administered by the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

The agency is investigating whether the installer and business associate have knowingly submitted false accreditation paperwork since 2018 which has resulted in the wrongful creation of approximately $2.5 million in small-scale technology certificates (STCs).

At the conclusion of the investigation, consideration will be given as to whether a brief of evidence will be referred to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. If criminal charges are laid, a person could face up to 10 years in jail for fraud related offences.

This enforcement activity highlights the powers that the agency has to detect non-compliance within the industry, and our ability to collaborate with federal and state bodies, despite the difficulty of a COVID-19 pandemic.

The agency conducts investigations in accordance with our Compliance policy for education, monitoring and enforcement activities and the Australian Government Investigation Standards, and leverages off our compliance, detection and intelligence activities. Please see our Compliance and Enforcement Priorities 2021-22 for specific areas of compliance focus.

The agency encourages all installers and business associates to ensure their accreditation details meet both their federal and state or territory rules. Installers must be accredited with the CEC at the federal level and hold appropriate licenses accredited by their state or territory bodies:

If installers are unsure that they are meeting all their federal and state or territory accreditation requirements, they should contact us for advice.