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The Clean Energy Regulator invites stakeholder views on its proposed approach to Supporting the costs of soil sampling under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

Sequestering carbon in Australian soils represents an important opportunity to reduce Australia’s emissions and enhance agricultural productivity. However, the cost of baseline (initial) sampling under the ERF’s measured soil method can be a key barrier to uptake because the costs of sampling occur well before Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) can be issued.

To reduce this barrier to entry and incentivise further investment in soil carbon projects, the Clean Energy Regulator is proposing to support project proponents to meet the costs of baseline soil sampling through the advance purchase of ACCUs while also addressing data scarcity issues to inform soil carbon science and method development.

The Clean Energy Regulator is looking to offer this approach at the September auction on a pilot basis and is now seeking feedback on the proposed approach.

How to make a submission

Submissions can be emailed to Please include the submission coversheet with your submission.

Consultation is open until 5pm, Thursday 9 July 2020 (AEST).

We also encourage you to contact us directly to discuss your feedback in more detail.