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On 7 March 2024, the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) declared accredited solar PV installer Keng Chew ineligible under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme for 12 months.

The decision means that any solar PV systems supervised or installed by Mr Chew during this period will not be eligible to receive small-scale technology certificates (STCs).

CER General Manager of Compliance, Ms Piet Powell, said Mr Chew failed to meet the accreditation requirements of attending installations.

Between 15 August 2022 and 6 June 2023, Mr Chew provided false written statements claiming he was the accredited installer or supervisor onsite for 12 solar PV system installations. To be eligible for STCs the accredited installer must install or supervise by physically attending the site during job set up, mid-installation check-up, and testing and commissioning.

Ms Powell said ‘The attendance of an accredited installer when the work is being done matters for quality and safety. The rooftop solar sector has had enough time and enough notice on the requirements they need to meet.

‘The CER continues to remind accredited installers they must meet their on-site attendance obligations for the installation of small-scale solar PV systems. We won’t tolerate those who are unwilling to do the right thing,’ Ms Powell said.

This is the second time that the CER has exercised the additional powers to disqualify an installer since amendments to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 came into force.

For further information see our SRES Compliance activities.


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