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The biomethane method package variations to the landfill gas (generation) method, the domestic, commercial and industrial wastewater treatment method, and the animal effluent management method are now available under the Emissions Reduction Fund.

Biomethane is a methane-rich net-zero carbon emissions natural gas substitute produced from waste methane generated by organic waste.

The 2022 biomethane method package varies the animal effluent management method, the domestic, commercial and industrial wastewater method, and the landfill gas (generation) method to allow projects under these methods to produce biomethane from waste methane, generating eligible carbon abatement.

The varied methods cover projects that treat animal effluent, wastewater, and landfill gas to produce biogas. Projects will be able to refine this waste biogas into biomethane that is sent to be combusted as a natural gas substitute within Australia. Biomethane could be combusted on-site, or be combusted when sent to another facility or injected into the gas grid.

Projects that undertake biomethane production activities achieve carbon abatement from waste methane being combusted and converted into carbon dioxide, which has a lower global warming potential than methane. Additionally, projects achieve abatement resulting from the displacement of natural gas by biomethane, which has net-zero carbon emissions. Avoiding emissions from waste methane and natural gas combustion earns Australian carbon credit units.

The biomethane method package variations came into effect on 2 January 2022.

Visit the animal effluent management method page, the domestic, commercial and industrial wastewater method page or the landfill gas (generation) method page, or contact us for further information.