Notes for this publication
- The information contained in this publication is as reported by controlling corporations.
- Cells with '0' value reflect instances where controlling corporations have reported zero scope 1 or scope 2 emissions.
- We may periodically republish NGER data to reflect the most up to date information available and in line with ongoing compliance activity.
- We take all reasonable efforts to ensure the information published on our website is accurate at the time of publication.
- Comparison of total emissions between reporting years may be affected by minor changes to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting legislation and the number of reporters and facilities that meet a threshold.
The tables below include information reported to us by controlling corporations and reporting transfer certificate holders that met a publication threshold under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme in 2023–24.
From 2023–24, controlling corporations can choose to report market-based scope 2 emissions in addition to mandatory location-based scope 2 emissions. Market-based scope 2 emissions data is on the third table on this page.
Greenhouse and energy information by controlling corporation 2023–24
Information as at 28 February 2025.
Greenhouse and energy information by reporting transfer certificate holder 2023–24
Information as at 28 February 2025
Market-based scope 2 emissions information by controlling corporation 2023–24
Information as at 28 February 2025.
Notes for market-based scope 2 emissions corporate totals
- The table below presents market-based scope 2 emissions totals for controlling corporations who chose to report under the market-based scope 2 method for 2023–24.
- The 2023–24 reporting period was the first year that reporters had the option to report their scope 2 emissions using a market-based estimation method. Reporters who chose to provide a market-based scope 2 emissions total did so in addition to the mandatory location-based reporting.
- Reporters using the market-based scope 2 method are not required to include a market-based scope 2 total for all eligible facilities included in their NGER report. Where a corporation has provided market-based totals for part of their corporate group, this is flagged in the table, and the percentage of facilities where a market-based total has been reported is also provided.
- Care should be taken when interpreting scope 2 emissions data. The location and market-based methods for reporting scope 2 emissions each provide important information for understanding Australia’s emissions and incentivising investment in renewable energy. The 2 methods are distinct and not intended to be compared. Direct comparison between the 2 figures can give rise to double-counting of renewable generation.
- You can read more about location-based and market-based scope 2 emissions methods in the voluntary market-based scope 2 emissions guideline.