A guide to the Landfill capture and combustion method

This guide provides an introduction to conducting a landfill gas project using the Carbon Farming (Capture and Combustion of Methane in landfill gas from Legacy Waste) Methodology Determination 2012 and the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Capture and Combustion of Methane in Landfill Gas from Legacy Waste: Upgrade projects) Methodology Determination 2012 (the method). Methods set out the rules for conducting activities under the Emissions Reduction Fund to earn ACCUs.

Understanding your blue carbon project simple method guide 

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to plan, register, deliver and report on a blue carbon project under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative – Tidal Restoration of Blue Carbon Ecosystems) Methodology Determination 2022 (the blue carbon method) – which is the legislative instrument that details the rules for how to run a blue carbon project.

Native title, legal right and eligible interest-holder consent guidance

This guidance sets out the views of the Clean Energy Regulator on the law and practice of how projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund must consider the rights of native title groups and state and territory law. This includes their interactions with the requirement for having legal right to conduct a project and consents for running a project (referred to as eligible interest-holder consent).

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