Media release: Renewables deliver a record 32% of electricity to the National Electricity Market

A record 32% of electricity generated in the National Electricity Market (NEM) in Q3 came from renewable energy sources, the Clean Energy Regulator’s latest Quarterly Carbon Market Report (QCMR) shows.

This means that across 2021, renewables will likely contribute 30% of all NEM generation, double the 15% renewable energy delivered to the market in 2017.

Guarantee of Origin

Underpinning our clean hydrogen future will be a Guarantee of Origin scheme or certification scheme. The scheme will enable Australian businesses to sell verified low emissions hydrogen from renewable sources and fossil fuels with substantial carbon capture and storage, domestically and to the world.

Have your say on the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency Report

The Clean Energy Regulator is inviting views on the guidelines for the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) report in a second public consultation.

The CERT report has been co-designed with industry and will support National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme (NGER) reporting companies that choose to disclose emissions reduction and renewable electricity commitments and their progress.

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