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The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) expects to announce the new Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) installer and designer accreditation scheme operator (ASO) in late February 2024.

Accredited persons must transfer to the new ASO within 3 months of the CER’s announcement to maintain their accreditation and small-scale technology certificate (STC) eligibility. The Clean Energy Council (CEC) will cease their accreditation services when CER’s decision is announced.

Find out how to transfer and maintain your accreditation on CER’s new installer and designer ASO webpage.

Important information for accredited persons:

  • A new accreditation number will be issued after successfully transferring to the new ASO.
    • The new accreditation number will be used to claim STCs for installations from the date of the transfer.
    • The CEC accreditation number will be used to claim STCs for installations that were completed before transferring to the new ASO.
  • Accreditation periods will move from annual to triennial. Fees will be between $650-$800 for 3 years of accreditation. You will still be required to maintain 100 continuous professional development points annually to maintain your accreditation.
  • The new ASO’s website will go live on the day of CER’s announcement. Accredited persons can then apply to transfer their accreditation directly via the website.
  • Further details will be provided in February when the new ASO is announced. Please bookmark CER’s new installer and designer ASO webpage for easy reference and subscribe to our email list.

It is an accredited person’s responsibility to ensure they meet SRES eligibility requirements. The CER closely monitors all installation dates for STC applications and will be working closely with the new ASO to ensure persons are appropriately accredited at the time of design and installation of a small generation unit. It is important to remember that the provision of false and/or misleading information is an offence under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.

The CER continues to work closely with the CEC and new ASO to ensure a smooth transition process.

For more information, please email us at or call our Contact Centre team on 1300 553 542.