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The Clean Energy Regulator (CER), as part of its application evaluation process for an installer and designer accreditation scheme operator (ASO), has refused one ASO application and is on track to approve another application in February 2024. We expect to announce one ASO but cannot provide details until our decision in February 2024.

What accredited persons need to know

The Regulations establish a 3-month period for all Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited persons to transition to the new ASO from the date the new ASO is approved. As a consequence, your CEC accreditation won’t be recognised 3 months after the CER’s date of decision, or earlier if your CEC accreditation expires beforehand.

The CER has been working closely with the CEC and new ASO to ensure a smooth transition. We can confirm that:

  • Accredited persons will need to transition their CEC accreditation to the new ASO within the 3-month transition period to remain eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STCs). There is no fee to transition your accreditation.
  • The new ASO will honour CEC accreditation expiry dates and fees paid. An accreditation renewal fee will be due on expiry of your existing CEC accreditation.
  • If your accreditation expires on or after the CER has made and announced its decision, you must accredit yourself with the new ASO to remain eligible for STCs. This will attract a fee. The CER will work with accredited persons, CEC and the new ASO to smoothly transition affected persons.
  • There are no immediate proposed changes to accreditation requirements, including relevant training units. The new ASO will recognise continuous professional development completed under the CEC’s accreditation scheme.

What accredited persons need to do

The CEC has released information to assist CEC accredited persons to prepare for the transition to the new ASO. This includes details on CEC application cut off dates and revised fee structures. We encourage all CEC accredited persons to read this information to understand how you are impacted.

CEC accredited persons should also:

  • address outstanding compliance issues with the CEC prior to the transition and be prepared to disclose any outstanding issues with the new ASO
  • continue to complete mandatory training, follow installation guidelines and follow codes of conduct
  • ensure your contact details are up to date with the CEC
  • subscribe to receive email updates from the CER.

We will provide more information on the transition in our December update.

If you have questions, please email us at or call our Contact Centre team on 1300 553 542.